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Comment Re:cowardice (Score 1) 556

"Police suspected all along that Todd might not be telling the truth, starting with the fact that the 'B' was backward, Bryant said.

'We have robbers here in Pittsburgh, but they don't generally mutilate someone's face like that,' Bryant said. 'They just take the money and run.'"

Thank you, AC. I forgot this little statement existed.

I'd mod up if possible.

Comment Re:cowardice (Score 1) 556

"Seems like a very risky game to play, faking death threats against yourself and then asking the police and FBI to investigate."

Ahem. Remember the girl that carved /d/ in her face trying to say that 4chan's /b/ assaulted her?

Yea. It's not going to stop idiots from pulling the exact same shit.

Comment Re:cowardice (Score 3, Interesting) 556

"even as some members have harassed and sent death threats to female gaming developers and critics."

And OF COURSE Slashdot will conveniently leave out the fact the FBI is getting involved because it's the people against the Gamer Gate people that have been FAKING death threats.

Go fucking figure Slashdot's poor editing (or more likely intentional FUD) would give THE WRONG IMPRESSION.

GamerGaters can prove the threats against them were external. Anti-GG have been faking threats to themselves.

Slashdot is devolving into a geek version of Fox News. Instantly spotted as soon as DICE started taking over.

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