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Comment Re:Problem? (Score 1) 186

No, the solution is to quit being so narrow-minded and think of EVERYTHING in the entire process, instead of cherry-picking and focusing upon the plant itself.

Huge land fields of corn require HUGE amounts of carbon fuels (currently) to harvest and process. Given their per-pound yield per acre in relative comparison to many other crops SUCKS, no surprise given tons of corn-based fuel/food production areas.

Comment Re: Gay Sex! Agenda 21. (Score 1) 186

"It just takes a while for genetics to catch up with the new environment."

We've seen lizards of the same species evolve different reproductive systems (Australia, same lizard species, one does live birth, the other does eggs, genetically identical) within the span of 50 years.

Don't think evolution is cosmically slow. That's a HUGE mistake.

Comment Re:Gay Sex! Agenda 21. (Score 0) 186

From my experience working in plenty of pro-Republican/GOP leaning retail stores, they're not the problem.

I've been invited to several churches by friends while living in Texas, Tennessee, and California. Many of the times I've gone, they're not preaching the gospel. They're talking about how to bypass and abuse the system. And then you realize that about 65% of that congregation is welfare-dependent, and that they're more than willing to drop tens of dollars out of that gov't cheese cheque towards that person just because 'Jesus told him how to make my ends meet.'

No, first we end religious welfare, then we end corporate welfare. A good chunk of the corporate welfare part is almost guaranteed to stem from the religious welfare part.

Comment Re:PR (Score 1) 293

" Like solar cells, they are decades away from being economical."

Yea... no. They've been economical for several years. Have you been paying attention to China pumping out tons of them at like $0.4/W? $100 for a 250w panel. A few years ago, that was more like $200. And the prices are only dropping faster and further with many more countries starting to realize Solar is indeed a viable energy source. Combine with extremely high-efficiency tech, like LED lighting, and the realization of not needing that much Solar power in the first place makes everything fit economically.

Solar is indeed the energy of choice - what do you think pretty much all life on this planet requires? Think of the food/energy chain. Sunlight>plants>animal, sunlight>algae>plankton>fish.

Even the Oriental Hornet can generate electricity, its exoskeleton containing structures that allow it to do so directly from sunlight.

To say solar is not viable is to ignore millions of life forms that successfully utilize it, AT FAR LOWER EFFICIENCIES, and to discount their entire existence.

Care to try again?

Comment Re:I'm happy to announce (Score 1) 400

While Google may suck due to localization of search results, making me do more than I need to is an annoyance, and this finally got to my boss when he read that.

It's only 10 employees. Nobody's really gonna care, but I'm glad. Firefox is slowly but surely moving away from proper standards support. Chrome, Safari, IE11/10/8 even IE6 displays my website properly. Firefox? Bidding buttons are half-in half-out of their auction box with this latest update. They're fucking off.

Comment Re:I'm happy to announce (Score 1) 400

"why would you want your employees OFF of Firefox. What else would you have them use?"

Something that has some actual STEADY (and not continually dropping like a rock) usage.

Also, Firefox, one tab open, freshly-loaded after reboot. 415MB RAM usage. The bloat they add into the starting of the page, making you wait essentially 2-3 seconds before you can type anything in the URL bar; fuck that too.

they have simply gone AWAY from anything they were. And it absolutely fucking sucks.

We'll use Chromium instead, and ignore Google's own offering.

It's not like 10 employees is going to make a difference, but the same options FireFox has are available for Chromium, at far less bloat, and lower resource usage.

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