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Comment Re:stupidity escalation (Score 1) 288

Marx has never stopped being essential reading, as a historical document if not an instruction manual. The people argh-blarghing about him being included in curricula are invariably those who have never read him and knee-jerkingly shout about socialism without knowing what the word even means.


Studies: Wildfires Worse Due To Global Warming 379

An anonymous reader writes "According to scientists we can look forward to more devastating wildfires like the ones scorching Southern California because of global warming. "The fires in California and here in Arizona are a clear example of what happens as the Earth warms, particularly as the West warms, and the warming caused by humans is making fire season longer and longer with each decade," said University of Arizona geoscientist Jonathan Overpeck. "It's certainly an example of what we'll see more of in the future.""

Comment Re:Kitchen Knives (Score 1) 137

You’re right that ceramic knives are bullshit, but your price point for a decent real knife is way low. $40 knives will cut things, but they won’t hold an edge and they feel awful, except maybe meat cleavers and paring/utility knives. For a main 8-9" chef’s knife don’t go below $150. Also avoid stainless steel if possible. Carbon steel is harder to take care of (no dishwasher, rub with oil before putting away) but dulls pretty much never (and it looks cool.)

Comment Re:how come we never hear (Score 4, Insightful) 302

Your examples all select for good upper-body strength. You may as well point out that there are no female linebackers in the NFL. Office work and management has nothing to do with raw physical ability, so unless you’re prepared to make the argument that women are genetically unsuited to the cutthroat world of sitting on one’s ass in front of a keyboard, you better re-examine your premise.

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