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Comment Re:What Level 3 can do (Score 1) 210

Ahh yes, 768k DSL because Centurylink hasn't upgraded the lines since the 80's. That's absolutely a legitimate alternative to 50mbit cable. Why not just go for AOL dial-up? Other than the fact I can't actually USE a connection that slow for anything beyond email and text based websites... good suggestion. Work from home and hop on a webex? Nope. VOIP softphone while doing ANYTHING online? Nope. And if you really just suggested that 3g cellular based internet that's capped at ridiculously low levels is a legitimate alternative to a wired connection, you're either an industry shill, or borderline insane.

Comment Re:What Level 3 can do (Score 2) 210

Ya, you're forgetting the part where he who controls the eyeballs has all the power. Comcast, AT&T, and VZW all have long-haul networks of their own. This is simply their way of trying to either force companies like Netflix to dump Level3 and buy transit from them, or force Level3 to pay them for the transit someone like Netflix would as a direct customer. THIS is the problem with allowing ISPs to have monopolies. What is Level3 going to do? Consumers like myself who literally have no choice of ISP can't just up and pick a new one if Level3 were to "turn off the internet" tomorrow. Sure, I could call and complain, bitch to my local senator, but then what? The big ISPs have bought and paid for all our political representatives, so they don't have to worry about legislative repercussions. I can't switch ISPs, so they don't have to worry about losing me as a customer. Why would they ever change what they're doing?

Comment Re:resell value already bad (Score 1) 193

It's funny you think I didn't look at what the incentive was to skip the 0% interest and take the cash. You can keep talking until you're blue in the face, unless you've got shitty credit or are absolutely retarded investing your money you'll never come out ahead paying cash for a car. Keep trying though AC, keep trying.

Comment Re:resell value already bad (Score 1) 193

Really? The last car I purchased had an interest rate of 0%. It was pretty easy finding a risk free investment with a higher return. Unless of course you're factoring in "the entire collapse of the US financial sector" as a legitimate "risk". I can get a used car loan at any point in time for under 2% from my local credit union, and bonds return a higher yield that that around here all day long. So yes, ALWAYS.

Comment Re:Fuck Obamacare (Score 1) 723

So people without insurance who currently pay nothing to go to the ER would instead go to an urgent care facility because it's less expensive? Outside of the fact that urgent care facilities already exist and have had exactly 0 impact on the ER problem, the basis of your logic is nonexistent. You can't make something cheaper than free - there's no incentive for someone to go to an urgent care facility in place of an ER.

Comment Re:Fuck Obamacare (Score 0) 723

Well, there were really two options on the table:

1. We allow emergency rooms to refuse treatment to anyone who cannot provide proof of insurance. That would likely include anyone in a bad accident whose wallet/ID didn't remain on them. I'm sure we could start embedding RFID tags into the chest of every human being to carry their identity and insurance information, but short of that, I'm open to your suggestion on how else we determine who to treat and who to turn away.

2. We force everyone to carry insurance as a cost of living in this country, realizing that as a first world nation we aren't going to let people die in the streets, but letting them go to the emergency room every time they have a sniffle is unsustainable. Or worse yet, have people who do get into a bad accident just skip out on the bill and declare bankruptcy.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. There's literally no possible way that forcing everyone to buy insurance can cost us more than having people without insurance use the ER as their regular doctors visits short of a criminal act of swindling by the insurance companies and/or hospitals.

Comment gg (Score 1) 116

Seriously, he's determining the amount of trolling going on by the number of people saying GG at the end of games? The biggest trolls I've faced have said "gg", that's half the schtick. They say "gg" just to rub in the fact that they're assholes. How about you start by killing the taunt/laugh/talking shit after the first 30 seconds of the game? The trolls have simply evolved, they now know all they have to do is talk trash in the post-game lobby, and spam everyone with annoying taunting/laughing all game, and they'll never get in trouble, because Riot doesn't give you any option to report a player for any troll-ish action beyond all chat content. gg

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