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Comment Re:Solution looking for a problem (Score 2) 115

Jesus Christ, I wish I had mod points to MOD YOU DOWN!! These people you dismiss as "low on your sympathy list" risked life/limb and put their personal lives on hold for however many years to PROTECT YOUR SKANKY ASS... People like you make me sick to my stomach... Feel free to put me on your foes list.. Rest assured I've put YOU on mine..(along with a bunch of others who have posted in this thread)...

Comment Re:RedBot, Elecraft (Score 1) 115

I did time in Vietnam in the 70s, and since I'd worked during my tour as a MARS station operator, and I'd always been interested in radio, I got my ham license soon after I got out of the service.. It helped me to land a position as an electronics tech with a government contractor, and then after a large layoff, migrated to fixing the -then-new- personal computers. Been doing that since, and only just retired about 4 years ago.. Bottom line: ham radio is a relaxing hobby, in my opinion


Submission + - GPL risk shown when popular Minecraft plugins shut down by DMCA.

Maxo-Texas writes: One of the primary programmers, Wesley Wolfe (Wolvereness), who contributed over 23,000 lines of code to the Bukkit project which enhances Minecraft server performance and allows others to write "mods" and "plugins" submitted a DMCA request September 5th, preventing use of his code in the popular Bukkit or Spigot (and numerous other Minecraft plugins, mods, and other open source enhancements that depend on them). This has the effect of freezing all further development for multi-player server Minecraft based on these addons until the issue is resolved.

The programmer says that Mojang must release the Minecraft server code to the public domain since decompiled, deobfuscated versions of the java code are included in the Bukkit project before he will withdraw the DMCA. Mojang has never released the real source code and has stated they will not opensource the server code to meet the GPL and LGPL licensing requirements.

Read more here:

This approach might be a risk for other GPL and LGPL projects out there which are derivative of or enhance non GPL programs or products.

Comment Re:How does he (Score 1) 226

I've thought Kaley was a doll ever since I saw her on "8 Simple Rules", the old sitcom with John Ritter, that aired just before he died.. As for Bernadette, think about this... Wolowitz's never seen mother screams all the time, and what do you know? So does Bernadette, when she gets mad... Can you say "Mother-complex"?????

As for BBT, its one of the VERY few shows I actually watch on the toob....

Comment Re:Not worth it (Score 1) 251

The only Dells that ship with crapware are the ones you buy at WorstBuy/Costco.. ie: the Inspirons.. Its like they're from a different company than the high-quality corporate Dell models (Optiplex/Latitude/Precision).. ANYbody who asks me what I recommend, I tell them "Go to the Dell website, make SURE you hit the business part of the website, and buy yourself a nice Optiplex desktop, or a Latitude laptop.. You'll pay a bit more, but the quality is night-day better than Dell's home stuff.. I'm a retired support tech/network admin, with 10+ years of supporting said corporate Dell systems...

Comment Re:Not worth it (Score 2) 251

Good God, you are NOT kidding there... I run Linux on all of my machines, but on the occasion I need Windows for *something*, like running Cisco Webex, which some say will work in Firefox on Linux, but I've had no luck.. Anyway, I volunteer with the Redcross and we have Webex-based training and meetings I have to attend, so I install the webex client in a Windows virtualbox vm, and use it maybe 2-3 times/month.. I have to make damn sure to fire the vm up way before the meeting/training so I can get the forced updates and the -at-least-one-reboot done..Other than that, Windows is dead to me.. I supported that crap since Windows 3.11, and now that I'm retired, I want as little to do with ANYthing Microsoft as I can get... I do get guilt-ed into helping family members who still use that piece of crap, but I'm sloowly weaning em off over to XUbuntu or Mint...

Comment Re:My opinion on the matter. (Score 5, Insightful) 826

Who really needs systemd?

I've been working with Linux since 1995, where I started with Slackware, moved over to Redhat until it went all "enterprise-y", at which time I moved to Fedora.. Stayed there till a friend turned me on to Ubuntu in 2007, where I stayed pretty much till the recent Unity shitfest over there, where I then moved to Debian.. I cut my teeth on /etc/init.d and a stock standard init() process.. I could do pretty anything I needed to do in troubleshooting/starting/stopping daemons from memory.. Can't remember the last time I consulted a man page regarding anything having to with init() or logging.. Now with this $#@$%%$#@ systemd, I have manpages up ALL the time just to do simple shit that I could do with init() and standard logging in my sleep before systemd. It also seems like this crap is spreading like sewage over pretty much of the standard distros.. Debian/Fedora/CentOS.. The only one I'm somewhat familiar with (haven't used it recently) is Slackware and from what I've heard Patrick and the devs over there feel the same way I do about systemd.... Maybe its time to revisit an old friend.....

Comment Re:Better Idea (Score 2) 82

As long as you don't do illegal stuff the authorities can't do much.

VERY naieve attitude.. When you're dealing with one of today's militarised "police departments", what is actually "illegal" is pretty much up to the thug(s) you're dealing with.. Witness the many court decrees that the public can video law enforcement, assuming the pubic is not interferring with law enforcement.. Theres a HUGE loophole there, one you could drive a bus thru. If they don't like you video recording them, they can alledge that you're "interferring" and there seems to be nothing you can do about it... We now live in a police state... Prove me wrong, I DARE ya.. (I sure wish I was even wearing a tinfoil hat.. Tinfoil hat time is long past)....

Comment Re:Automated notice not necessary here (Score 2, Interesting) 368

Well THAT sucks big time.. I live in Nevada and apparently its a "both parties" state.. I wonder what happens then, if I make it clear I don't consent to *their* recording "for "training purposes"?? Wonder if anybody has ever done it... Sounds like a law we desparately need to get changed here.. (not to mention flushing Harry Reid down the toilet...)

Comment Re:+1 for this Post (Score 4, Informative) 427

I'm using an Asus RT-N12, which runs any of the DD-WRT (or DD-WRT-ish clones), and since it has 8MB of flash, it runs the "max" version of Shibby's version of Tomato. This version has everything but the kitchensink, like OpenVPN, ipv6 support, including 4to6 tunnels. Since I'm on Cox, who doesn't seem to have any plan to roll out ipv6, its the only way for me to use ipv6 currently. It also has vlan support, virtual "guest" wifi support, and believe it or not, even has Tor node support.. I had been using a venerable WRT54GL for the last 7 years or so, but really wanted the vlan/guest wifi support and of course, ipv6 thru a tunnelbroker tunnel, and there was no way to shoehorn that into the measley 4mb of flash on the WRT54GL.. I read a few reviews on the RT-N12, and was pleasantly suprised, so I found one on eBay for a nice price, and waited for it to arrive. It was at that point I discovered the fact there are two distinct "versions" of the RT-N12. one a flat white box with the two antennas, which only has 4mb of flash... and then theres the black wedge-shaped version, which has the 8mb of flash... Guess which one I bought on eBay.. So, now I have a spare router around in case I need something quick. I proceeded to order the right one from another vendor, and flashed Tomato, and am happy as a clam with it... The old WRT54GL is still running as a wifi bridge on an older version of Tomato, being used to provide a cabled connection to the wife's computer in the living room. Previously I'd had a PCI wifi card in the system, but wanted to get rid of that.. Now with the WRT54GL there, I can plug my laptop in on the desk also without using wifi...

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