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Comment Re:Ads (Score 1) 319

Another obvious difference is that buying a legal copy of a creative work does not in itself subject me to severely degraded system performance, wasting arbitrary amounts of bandwidth I'm already paying for on things I didn't ask for, or assorted security and privacy risks.

Unless the "creative work" is a computer game, of course.

Comment Re:It's all bullshit (Score 1) 157

Because the actual choices are evil, evil, I-don't-know-you, never-heard-of-you, who-are-you and I-don't-care-enough-to-actually-check-who-the-choices-are.

And it's naive to assume that I-don't-know-you, never-heard-of-you, and who-are-you aren't just as evil, or at least as enthusiastically corruptible, as the scumbags we keep getting stuck with.

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