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Comment It's not Bennett Haselton (Score 1, Troll) 928

I love systemd because it doesn't continuously spout inane drivel to my favorite news aggregator. When systemd has something to say, it does so in its own log separate file which I can read at my leisure (or ignore completely if I so choose). As far as I'm concerned, systemd is the model that should be followed by everyone.

Submission + - The Pirate Bay block will be lifted in the Netherlands ( 1

swinferno writes: The Dutch ISP's Ziggo and XS4all are no longer required to block access to the websites of The Pirate Bay. This has been decided by the court in The Hague.
The blockade has proven to be ineffective. The Dutch anti-piracy organization BREIN will have to reimburse legal costs of EUR 326.000. The internet provider XS4ALL has already started lifting the ban. The website of The Pirate bay was ordered to be blocked by the two major ISPs in January 2012. Recent studies by Amsterdam University and CentERdata.showed that this did not reduce the number of downloads from illegal sources. Many people circumvented the blockade.

Comment Refactor the NSA (Score 2, Interesting) 509

Split the NSA into the Department of Big Brother and the New-NSA. Big Brother collects all the data and tracks everything about everyone, but the data is not query-able without a warrant (and all access is logged and reviewed, and abuse is actually penalized). Then the New-NSA can do their job the way they're supposed to, using warrants.

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