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Comment Re:Mandatory doesn't sound all bad to me (Score 1) 1089

79 seat swing total in the last two state elections is a big change (total is 89)

18/76 non major two parties in the senate.

Without mandatory voting only those who have been convinced to vote will vote - which also generally means the major parties who have the money will be the ones they vote for.

Comment Re:Natural Gas and Nature (Score 1) 283

All 5 of the major datasets (RSS, UAH, HadCRUT4, GISS, NCDC) show no warming for between 14 and almost 18 years. In that time CO2 has risen 8-10%.

You mean temperatures have not risen since the super el-nino that put a lot of heat from the ocean into the atmosphere?

What happens if you look at 10 or 20 years?

By the way lost in the politics of CO2 is the fact that at 150 PPM all plant life above the oceans dies. Followed very shortly after by all the animals.

So people are wanting to get back down to 280 and somehow this would mean going down to 150?

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