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Comment Re:So what was the video? (Score 1) 270

Saying that children are made of pixie dust, or children are the locust of Sars-Cov-2 are probably both a kind of misinformation.. There was a paper from finland comparing the effectiveness of closing down schools, they said that there was clear evidence that it was an ineffective way to hinder the death in the affected groups (children at school). Wether children infect lots of other people outside of that group is probaly hard to answer, I'm not sure how you would go around getting that data in an easy way.

Comment Re:Selective memory (Score 1) 524

He looked at me and said, "well it depends on the department. For example, int he DoE (dept of education) anything under 75 million "missing" is a rounding error."

That's a wonderful anecdote I'll probably use sometimes, the conspirationist in me thinks that it might be a wanted feature for DoE. What comes after auditing is really strange I've also come across irregularities at 25% of the budget, and the people affected did not want to take that further. So I believe you in that something like this can happen, but embezzlement is not my first guess.

Comment Selective memory (Score 4, Interesting) 524

no one said things like "Obama [**inser crazy thing**]"

Sure they did, they said that quite a lot actually, there was a complete news network dedicated to come up with new crazy things to insert there. Sometimes it's correct that the administration of the current president is the instigator of some crazy things, but motsly it's as you say just things that comes with governing. In this case, I don't know, but budget cuts of $75 million is nothing to scoff at.

I agree that we need to get away from this black and white kind of reporting it doesn't help either side in the long run. I do not know if you are a Trump supporter, but if you are then you better concentrate on the reporting in your own camp, it's better to discuss these things with people that trust your intentions. If you are not a Trump supporter then yey for you.

Comment In this area Damore is an idiot (Score 1) 1175

He caused google to get bad press.

No, he did not. The leaker did.

You always have responsibility for your thoughts and views.

I've not read Salon and the likes but you might need to read some more from serious people who do not share your views, because if you think the memo was written be some enlightened bro who knows enough about gender bias to say something intelligible then you are sadly mistaken. I'm sure his memo struck some chords in your heart, but it doesn't matter if most of it was bullshit.

Saying stupid shit gets you fired if the wrong person hears it, that sucks, I'm not sure I think it should be that way but it sadly is.

Comment You younglings never learn (Score 2) 336

All Operating Systems sucks, trademarked words in it does not make it suck less. :-)

I've only had a couple of thousands desktop Linux and Windows clients under my control back in the day, and it really is no difference at least moneywise, it is easier to do hires for Windows as long as you pay the senior guy enough to keep him. Happily I've heard that out sourcing is working pretty well on the Windows side so it's going to be a lot cheaper than Linux soon.

Linux might not be for you and your environment, but that doesn't mean it sucks more than your prefered variant.

Comment Re: This is why America needs VATs not Corp. Tax (Score 1) 402

From the internet about Mexican VAT:

there is also a 0% rate applicable to exports and the local supply of certain goods and services. Sales of ice, fresh water, machinery and raw materials for manufacturers, books, newspapers, magazines by their editors, medicines, as well as the supply of services to eligible manufacturers, are subject to the 0% rate.

That does not seem like a tax break on everything Mexican, far from it. I must say trying to understand tax laws of other countries is not my favorite thing so I do not stand by this.

Comment Re:Solar Panel Not Equal to Spent Fuel (Score 2) 376

assumed they would all be retired in 25 years Ã" the average lifespan

Odd assumption considering that the standard warranty is 25 years, with quality brands like Sharp and LG now at 30 years.

The solar panels we bought 30 years ago still give us enough power to warrant being mounted on our roof, I have no idea what the warranty was then or how the quality has changed since then..

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