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Comment Is it just for me or is it for everyone? (Score 3, Informative) 86

The last year or so I have noted that search results from Google is not as good as they used to be.
My feeling is that they try to guess what I am after and they are not so good at it. I get fewer results and they tend to be more or less of the same kind. They are kind of blend as the answers you get from chat-ai.

Comment Microsoft is overhyped. (Score 0) 133

AI is definitely overhyped.

It will work very well for some tasks and not that well for other tasks since there is no intelligence. The problem is that it is sold as intelligence.

Microsoft is also overhyped. They will drive their customers inte their cloud where they will pay more money to Microsoft and get stuck in the mud. It won't work for that long.

Comment Re:The problem of Microsoft (Score 2) 337

"If you are going to discuss Microsoft's problems, I suggest not bringing up MS Office. Because it is one of the few examples of areas where Microsoft is doing just fine." It can't open Microsofts own ISO standard. It is not very good att OpenDocument. If productivity means producing documents in open formats, MS office is not there.

Comment Re:The problem of Microsoft (Score 1) 337

"Most people I know of know Microsoft as simply the company who makes the software they are familiar with."

Those people are not the one who are deciding the future in companies and organisations. If websites are built for standards, why should we use internet explorer?

If documments are open office or pdf, why should we use MS office?

Microsofts software are only good att Microsofts own specifications. With the move to mobile, they have lost their monopoly on clients which was their reason to exist.

Comment The problem of Microsoft (Score 5, Interesting) 337

Hardware has never been their problem, their problem has always been their strategy that has led them wrong.

By building products that are incompatible with others and refusing to open up Office files, they have implanted themself as the evil company in the mindset of those afffected. Those affected are those that realise that the world is always changing and want to be free to use any product.

Those are also the people that end up makeing decisions about what products to use.

Microsoft has "closed" them self out of the market.

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