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Submission + - Climategate 2.0 ( 4

kenboldt writes: "Someone going by the alias 'foia' has dropped a link to a zip file containing thousands of more emails similar to those which were released in 2009. There are apparently many more which are locked behind a password, presumably waiting to be released at some time in the future."

Comment Re:What happened to the setback and trajectory reg (Score 1) 338

Given that all the indications point to a mechanical defect, and not to pilot error/incapacitation, he has done himself a great favour participating in the race as the outcome was that he died quickly and spectacularly during his favorite activity, instead of wasting his final unrewarding years away in a retirement home. I'd like to die that way too. And frankly, the same probably applies to the bystanders that died. Go watch a snail race if you want to be 100% safe from crashing snails.

Comment Sad, sad, sad (Score 1) 404

40 years ago men walked on the moon and 20 years ago a businessman could fly supersonically from Paris to NY on a scheduled airline. Today you can tweet and write on a facebook wall, and weep while reading /. how something that was the stuff of dreams even 5 years ago is now vilified by 278 sissies scared shitless.

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