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Comment Re:Just give the option to turn it off... (Score 1) 823

I'm also a cyclist, but I don't think engine noise is that critical. I get a lot of info about where a car is behind me from the noise that it makes, but the majority of that is the noise of tyres on the road. Engine noise is only useful in warning me when someone is aggressively accelerating (presumably to overtake).

Also, it's perfectly legal for deaf people to drive cars and ride bikes, so relying on sounds for safety doesn't work for everyone.

Comment Re:Colour me apprehensive. (Score 1) 94

Nope, Alien makes a lot more sense than Prometheus no matter how you try to spin it. At least when they stick their face into an opening egg, they've still got their helmet on. The overall plot (evil company wants to smuggle an alien back to earth by flesh-wrapping it in a crew member) at least makes some kind of sense whereas Prometheus just doesn't (dying man decides to visit alien planet who had something to do with early humans so that they can keep him alive for some reason).

I don't even understand what the Engineer at the beginning was doing. His DNA somehow spawned humans except that we're clearly evolved from other life-forms on Earth, so maybe the Engineer spawned all life on Earth. Except, that would mean that he spawned all the dinosaurs and just got lucky that mammals ended up becoming the dominant life-form to eventually evolve into humans. How is that even supposed to work?

Comment Re:Speeding not always an issue (Score 1) 335

There's a difference between accelerating to a similar speed as the traffic you're joining and accelerating so that you wheel-spin past a single vehicle. It would take a bit of algorithm tuning to get it right, but I imagine that certain sections of road (especially junctions) require quick acceleration. There's also sections of road that you don't want to be accelerating ferociously e.g. before blind corners.

Comment Re:Speeding not always an issue (Score 2) 335

If you're going to be using "science", then a good first step would be investigating the correlation of accidents and speed. Speed by itself is not a reliable indicator of the recklessness of the driver.

I'd prefer more intelligent sensors/cameras that penalise aggressive acceleration (i.e. sudden rate of change of speed in close proximity of other road users) or can detect lack of awareness of the driver.

Comment Re:Also affects Linux - patch now! (Score 1) 115

As it's stateless UDP, there's not much of a connection to the proper server. All you need to do is send the appropriate source and destination ports and IP address and you're good. It would involve waiting for an outgoing request and then sending spoofed packets that look like they are a reply. The one with the right ports will be allowed through the firewall as it looks like a reply.

Comment Re:Also affects Linux - patch now! (Score 1) 115

Okay, not an open port, but if you request a time update wouldn't an attacker be able to respond with a spoofed malicious packet? By sending out a request, the (stateful) firewall will usually allow a response back. I'm not an expert, so I'd be interested to see if someone more knowledgeable could explain that in more detail.

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