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Comment Re:Doesn't matter (Score 1) 325

I've just looked it up and the human visual system recognises objects in 100-200ms (see
Looking at this article ( they use a 1.5 second reaction time.
Maybe you take 5-10 seconds because you're a racist piece of shit.

Comment Re:Not precisely. (Score 1) 120

There's loads of sites on lockpicking for both professionals and locksport practitioners. Generally, the lock-picking tools aren't illegal by themselves, but you might need to explain yourself if you're acting suspiciously (most burglars wouldn't have the relevant skills to pick a lock and instead would just break their way in instead).

Car door lock picking tools are more suspicious as locksport doesn't usually include car doors, so you'd better have a good reason for carrying them.

Comment Re: Fix my ignorance (Score 1) 214

HTTPS ensures that visitors to your site will see the pages exactly as delivered by the site, whereas HTTP allows any intermediate ISP/Wifi provider to change the content and/or insert their own adverts. It's also easy for malicious entities to insert hidden bits of javascript to do whatever they want to.

Comment Re:Fix my ignorance (Score 1) 214

HTTPS prevents a malicious ISP/WiFI provider from intercepting all HTTP traffic and changing selected parts. e.g. inserting their own adverts instead of the original adverts or even inserting ads where there were no ads. It's also easy for someone to change the content of HTTP pages.

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