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Comment Re:Extradition (Score 1) 243

Have you ever heard of the "presumption of innocence"? It is morally and legally wrong to imply that Assange committed any crime, until he has been convicted in a court of law.

For some reason that presumption rarely seems to be honored for the people that Assange steals or traffics in secrets from. Same goes for Snowden.

Comment Re:Rape Apologetics Go Here (Score 1) 243

Yes, sometimes proposing a new currency to replace the dollar will turn people into rapists.

Well "NotDrWho," since you are apparently new to this dimension I'll take a moment to explain a few things to you. In this dimension it sometimes happens that rapists and abusers of women happen to be accomplished practioners of some useful trade. Some people will even overlook their abusive behavior towards women due to the fame or power that they achieve in their trade. When they finally get called out for it some people will invent excuses and apologize for the rapists. You seem to be getting information from that sort. You should reconsider that.

Perhaps it wouldn't occur to you, but rapists and other abusers to women might at times do other things, such as leak juicy documents you have an interest in, or forment monetary policy.

When will you be journeying back to your home world / dimension? It might not be safe for you here, you seem susceptible to rabid ideas.

Comment Re:Swedish Puppets (Score 1) 243

He is not even charged. That is the insanity. They have not lodged changes, they just want to question him. Insane that they can issue an arrest warrant without associated charges

Under the Swedish legal system ( like some others on the continent) he has to be questioned by the prosecutor before formal charges can be filed. They are attempting to do this now. Assange refuses to cooperate.

Comment Re:So basically (Score 1) 445

Liberal meant smaller unobtrusive government.

Not anytime recently in the US.

Libertarian meant toll sidewalks and "blacks only" toilets.

And you probably think it was "famous" "Libertarian" politicians like George Wallace and Bull Connor that were responsible, right? Oh, did I write Libertarian? How silly, they were DEMOCRATS.

I can't decide if you are simply trolling or suffering from dementia.

Comment Re:So many? (Score 1) 213

But you don't understand, in the post 9-11 world we don't assess the real risks. Only the imaginary ones.
And end up paying billions/trillions of dollars for nothing.

In the post 9-11 era many people (including many on Slashdot) claim that real risks are imaginary.

For some people if it didn't happen to them it didn't happen at all.

Terrorism deaths rose 60% in 2013, independent study says

One of the reasons we end up paying billions/trillions "for nothing" is the propensity of some to throw away hard won gains. You can see that in Iraq. A previous example was Viet Nam, which could have turned out like Korea but for the craven behavior of the party controlling Congress.

Some people never learn until it is too late.

Comment Re:Jefferson (Score 1) 213

Perhaps Congress could start by dissolving the enivronment that has caused so many people to want to do antisocial things like harming a President, who is mostly supposed to be a CEO of the government, and occasionally lead a defensive war against the country.

I find it amusing that you think Congress can vote mental illness and evil intent out of existence.

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