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Comment Oh well (Score -1) 72

Ticketmaster, the company that's about as popular as a root canal performed by a clown with a jackhammer. They're like the Emperor Palpatine of the ticket industry, always scheming to make more money at the expense of fans. That sucks. This was our best bet for Ticketmaster to lose their monopoly. I don't think there is anything more universally detested than Ticketmaster and yet we're going to be stuck with itLive Nation says they are entering the final phase of the DOJ investigation and have entered into discussions. They believe DOJ is looking at "specific business practices" and a breakup in unlikely.

Comment This is why (Score -1) 93

When they performed this experiment, this is why they didn't allow the public to know first. These luddites are fearful of things they don't understand. This is why we carefully control which information they have, because their reactions are predictable and harmful to science. Even in the Bay Area, which is otherwise progressive and open-minded.

Comment Re: Unfair (Score -1) 52

NPR?No, nobody is clicking on an NPR link. They lost America's trust, and refused to house-clean.

The entire newsroom signed a letter refusing to to work with the whistleblower.

This is one of the many reasons they lost our trust: NPR declared that the lab leak had been debunked by scientists. This was a lie.

Comment Re:Australia wil not go the way of Germany (Score 0) 132

Germany is only"short" of gas because the Nordstream pipeline was sabotaged by an unknown terrorist group. Luckily, staunch ally USA stepped into the breach to supply all the gas Germany needs. Germany has such a gargantuan lopsided trade imbalance with the USA that it easily affords it. This brings trade much closer to what it should be: equal and balanced, so that both sides gain equally.

Comment Re:Jumping the shark. (Score -1) 34

How's Mastodon doing anyway? X is such a better place withouta all the SJWs and journalists who ragequit and moved there when Elon bought Twitter. No more mobs of cancel pigs.They can ban anyone they like there, how's that working out? I'm curious to know.

Comment Thanks to Germany (Score -1) 51

Germany is now buying American natural gas that was previously flared and wasted. This is a great benefit to both Germany and the world, as Russian natural gas stays in the ground where it belongs, depriving butcher Putin of the funds he needs to continue his war of aggression in Ukraine. American natural gas is more expensive to move over the ocean but the good news is that Germany runs a massive trade surplus with the USA and can easily afford it. It moves the needle towards where it should be, in the middle, making trade equally beneficial to both sides. Adam Smith would be proud.

Comment Don't Panic (actually, yes panic) (Score 5, Informative) 80

Alphabet has transitioned to a "mature" company business model: Milk your existing customers for all they're worth, while avoiding pissing them off enough all at once to convince them to jump ship.

They already announced dividends and stock buyback to shore up the stock price:

I would avoid choosing Google as a vendor from this point forward. They've shown an inability to support any new markets they've entered, and they're not putting in the effort to hold on to the markets that they previously dominated (see the enshittification of Google Search.)

Not surprised, but disappointed certainly. I guess all good things do come to an end.

Comment Re:This is insane (Score -1) 107

Moving away from China will be a period of disruption, to be sure. But well worth it in the long run. China is an enemy country that must be defeated. We can't do that if we're dependent on them. It's a bitter pill to wallow since this is what Trump wanted, but it's a shit sandwich and we've all got to take a bite. All of us who buy made in China because it's cheaper are at fault.

Comment Re:Flamebait? (Score 1) 147

That there was a trove of e-mails that are now publicly available from executives at Google as a result of discovery? I mean, that's some pretty interesting stuff, if it does give a backstory for how Google search is pretty much useless now.

If only I could exclude search results from the last 5 years, it would be so much more useful...

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