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Comment Re:Here's your insightful comment (Score 1) 108

you need to look up the definition of fraud. You most definitely can defraud people without hacking, especially when you are on the inside such as those within MT Gox. taking coins from peoples accounts and selling them is defrauding them and would require no hacking from someone within Gox.

It would have been nice if TFA explained what it was talking about, re: fraud, because I doubt its what you suggest.

Comment Re:Pop Ctrl can't happen in an entitlement society (Score 1) 327

Don't worry about your stinking retirements! The very hard working, surprisingly ethical, very attractive, very tolerant Catholic Mexican-American's are picking up the slack at 10 kids per couple, on average, and actually beating immigration numbers. Don't worry, racists! Its a good thing. I can not fucking wait for them to take elective power in the United States and for racism to finally be dead dead dead.

Comment Re:Sigh. (Score 1) 234

Regarding the respective groups at the NSA as ordinary IT criminals is in fact a rather accurate model, as in the end, they are just after money and power.

Do you really believe any member of this particular NSA team is really an anarchist and has the lifegoal of robber-baron?

Comment Re:Cross (Score 2) 755

says the plastid to the other: "I don't have to prove the cell exists, if you believe in the cell, you prove it! I have no need of the cell."

overhearing, neurons laugh, "the brain is all around us!"

cynically, the id says to the ego "can't prove there is a mind"

Ouroborus, muffled, might add "where's the rest of this snake!"

Comment Re:Well, duh - DUH !!! (Score 1) 391

I'm going to assume you have more, and a much better education than I do, and that you're just a little smarter than me (because I know how smart I am and the likelihood of anyone being smarter).

if you create an atomically perfect simulation of a human brain then you are telling me that it will still not be conscious?

Exactly. Let me make it clear. YES, THAT's WHAT I, AND PHILOSOPHERS OF MIND, AND COMPUTER SCIENTISTS (i.e. not "programmers" or "techies") ARE TELLING YOU.

I'm not going to give you citations. I'm only going to attempt to show you the petitio principii fallacy you're making, if you believe, and believe strongly, the opposite (which you obviously do, strongly, and think you can't possibly be wrong. But you are, sorry.).

You're assuming that mind is merely its physical constituents, and that synthetic duplication is possible for anything if even subatomic duplication were possible, when that isn't shown to be true. So really, that's two instances of the same fallacy. But first of all, there was this guy Heisenberg... etc... so your dreams of supreme technology are flawed. There's a limit to what will ever be possible, and what you propose, on its face, will never be possible (re: atomic-level duplication yada yada vapopsychoware and handwaving the existence human consciousness). And second of all, no matter how many subscribe to the computational theory of mind, it is flawed, and has been left behind by all serious academics about 20 years ago... including its strongest proponant, Putnam! We may someday figure out mind... but assuming we will do so by examing matter and whatever you throw at this... is a huge unknown. Then to assume its possible to duplicate mind... when we don't fully understand what mind/consciousness (externally) is... other than some weird effect of living brain.... again, is, upon the loose foundation that we may understand mind someday, to build this further belief that we can then synthtically create it... well... you're really a dreamer. A double-dreamer. That's good. But the limit, unfortunately, is that... StrongAI, true synthetic consciousness... not actually obtainable, again, unfortunately. Its analagous to magnets and coiled wire... and electricity... as mind/consciousness is an effect of living brain, so current is an effect of taking this stuff and moving it around in a certain way. The trouble is the living brain part... unless your simulator has some of that, its not going to get to consciousness... and if there is some real counterexample out there, of something dead, becoming alive.... I'd like to hear it. Once you get your head around Searle's Chinese Room, you realize its game over for the Reductionists, at least in "Mind," they're still pretty useful in Physics, Chemistry... etc.

Comment Re:Well, duh (Score 1) 391

But I'm working on Strong AI - and I can tell you definitively that while it is very difficult, it is not impossible. Consciousness is only impossible if you don't understand it.

You don't understand it, and even if you did, your strong AI will never ever ever be conscious. It may fool you into not being able to tell if it is conscious or not, but we know it can never be --the same way we know a dead human brain will never ever be conscious again. Consciousness is an effect of living brain. You're not going to get that in a clever subroutine. And if you can't realize that, you have deeper issues. Strong AI is a worthy pursuit, just as is, say, developing fast propulsion.. but those engineers that ultimately build the fastest engine know what the speed limit is... in an ideal sense, light speed. True artificial consciousness is your light speed... you can never quite get there.

Comment Re:Well, duh (Score 1) 391

You mean like manned flight, the atomic bomb, or travelling faster than light?

Not really. None of those things you list are philosophically impossible. No matter how smart you think your AI is, it is never conscious, but cleverly responding to stimulus as programmed. Weak AI is ready for commercialism. Hard AI is impossible.

Comment Re:False Falg? (Score 1) 236

The more this unravels the more I smell false flag.

Only now do we feel the loss of President Ronald Reagan. The moment President Obama failed to dispatch Senator Fred Thompson with an elite-ops "A" team including Candice Bergen and Vice-President Dan Qualye, to deal with this egrigious crime, I smelled something, too.

Comment Re:So much for his career (Score 1) 161

the UEFI standard which is nothing to do with Microsoft

Since its inception, Microsoft has ever been trying to control open standards, and UEFI is merely one example of their success at doing so. If you think Microsoft is not actively attempting to control every standard conceivable, you're a shill or an idiot, and probably the latter. I understand software is complicated, but Microsoft intentionally mandates their vendor lockin with every single thing they release, from new versions to updates to patches. I'm not going to bother with providing a trolling AC with examples, because since the 1980's there must be thousands if not tens of thousands of examples of Microsoft pushing this anti-competitive agenda. I'm not anti-MS, either. There's a lot of great software they have. But Microsoft is BAD for EVERYONE because of their business practices. Adobe, IBM, Apple, and Google have many examples of similar shenanigans, but all pale in comparison to what Microsoft has done and continues to do. We can only imagine how good Windows could be if Microsoft wasn't obsessed with fleecing everyone.

MS bad

Comment Re:Lame (Score 2) 197

When did it become the "quantum" uncertainty principle? I'm sure Heisenberg was not happy when we switched to the truncated "uncertainty principle," and even further to simply "uncertainty." But who's the asshole that added a superfluous and nearly meaningless word to an old concept? WHO REBOOTED? AND WHY?

Comment Re:The Legit Bay (Score 1) 81

if you think you can just suck the MONEY out of the system

This isn't stealing bread from a starving family. The sales inventory at all the studios remains constant. Explain to me how all the non-enterprise copyright violators cost production studios or entertainers even one cent? Theft it is, but it is not the same as crime because the victim has NO DAMAGES.

Comment Re:So much for his career (Score 1) 161

but it certainly does not BLOCK it either:

To put it politely, Microsoft does have a knack for "inadvertently" yet periodically breaking competing and usually free technologies in enterprise, and recently... competing OS on consumer hardware. The Linux guys keep up with them and fixes role 'em out, but I doubt the home user will fare so well. I don't even know if its possible to purchase new hardware that I can do what I want with, thanks to Microsoft.

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