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Comment It is about getting out. (Score 1) 129

Privacy is about getting out. Put on light t-shirt, thin-sole running shoes, light shorts and go with your partner to a park, a stadium, etc.

Or go to a beach for a swim.

Have a meaningful private conversation while running, walking or swimming. Speak in a calm quiet voice, not louder than necessary.

So getting out is good not only for health, but for privacy too. Besides, it is much safer to run together or to walk together.

Comment Could be a 3rd or 4th party (Score 1) 667

There are nowadays portable hi-tech rockets capable to fly to very high altitudes with enormous speed and precision. They are obviously very expensive and out of reach of Ukrainian or DNR military.

How do we know that it was a DNR or Ukrainian rocket? It could also be a portable hi-tech rocket smuggled into Ukraine by a 3rd, or 4th, or even 5th party of this conflict.

Comment Re:Security through legislation is no security at (Score 1) 206 for Russians...

The Russian society is divided in numerous socioeconomic groups, the same as the US or any other society.

These groups have different understanding of security, and completely different interests in general. For some, security means keeping control over their power and billions, for some finding at last a job or starting a modest web-based business.

There are not only Russians, French, Americans, etc., but also socioeconomic groups with very similar interests and aspirations.

Comment Being credible (Score 1) 190

I think reaching out to Cuba would do much more good than publicly worrying about its dissidents and freedoms.

It all lacks sincerity, especially after Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Sarah Harrison.

Co-development, sincere equal cooperation would do a lot of good to Cuba and to the USA itself. There are a lot of people and business in the USA who need assistance not less than people and companies in Cuba.

Comment Re:Art.12. The Universal Declaration of Human Righ (Score 1) 104

But UK signed the The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It should either follow it, or withdraw its signature. I am not singling out UK or any other nation. Every government, which signed it, should work on compliance.

If there is a criminal activity, then a judge must look into it and give a permission to search the Gmail account of a particular individual. It is as simple as that.

Comment Art.12. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Score 1) 104

Article 12.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Universal means it is about all humans, not only Anglo-saxons, British or US citizens.

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