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Comment Being credible (Score 1) 190

I think reaching out to Cuba would do much more good than publicly worrying about its dissidents and freedoms.

It all lacks sincerity, especially after Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Sarah Harrison.

Co-development, sincere equal cooperation would do a lot of good to Cuba and to the USA itself. There are a lot of people and business in the USA who need assistance not less than people and companies in Cuba.

Comment Re:Art.12. The Universal Declaration of Human Righ (Score 1) 104

But UK signed the The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It should either follow it, or withdraw its signature. I am not singling out UK or any other nation. Every government, which signed it, should work on compliance.

If there is a criminal activity, then a judge must look into it and give a permission to search the Gmail account of a particular individual. It is as simple as that.

Comment Art.12. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Score 1) 104

Article 12.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.


Universal means it is about all humans, not only Anglo-saxons, British or US citizens.

Comment Is intertnet a CIA's project? (Score 1) 131

President Putin said on the April 24, 2014, that internet is a " CIA project" http://www.theguardian.com/wor...

I invested years, a life, in learning internet technologies. I feel myself diminished and humiliated.

Was I working on the 1984-Machine?

I thought that I was contributing to one of the greatest innovation of human civilization, and suddenly - "a CIA project", a military ploy, a lie,...

Could you, please, convince me back that my life was not spent in vain?

Comment an effective solution (Score 4, Insightful) 329

Closing cities to all automobile traffic. This is it.

Commuting becomes very fast as bicycles do not need traffic lights.

There are cargo bicycles too for supplying shops. Strangely people will eat less as they move more. Anyone who was on a long distance cycling tour could not to fail to notice it. People overeat due to to an anxiety. And regular physical activity reduces anxiety dramatically.

As a by-product we get that there will be no bad areas in a city due to traffic noise and pollution.

Submission + - Microsoft and HP joined sanctions against seventeen Russion companies and banks. 1

Max_W writes: Article in Russian language: http://biz.liga.net/all/it/nov...

The technical support, new equipment shipments are over. The IT fears that existing licenses will stop working too. Now the IT departments of these enterprises are facing a formidable task of switching from Microsoft, Oracle, HP products to open source solutions just in a few days(!).

Cozy days of corporate soft, of white shirts and ties are over for these ITs, now they are in the harsh cold brave world of the Open Source on their own.

Comment Re:Useful Idiot (Score 1) 396

With British and Dutch technology ;) Pretty much the same as your average African

Russky oligarcs and their ... high-healed bitches .

What is wrong with using Dutch technology? The Dutch technology is based on the periodic table discovered by Dmitri Mendeleev, as any other technology. It is very difficult to say if a technology is Dutch, German or Russian. The main point is that it works on the real market.

For example, senator McCain has got fourteen luxury houses, but nobody calls him an oligarch. Calling any Russian businessman an oligarch is an obvious smear tactic.

Speaking of butches, - have you ever seen sex tourists from the first world visiting developing countries? They are no better and no worse than any oligarchs.

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