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Comment Re:Please explain the outrage?? (Score 1) 183

I'm still not buying it, it's still not the scope of the device. Catering to users that use the device outside its intended use (not that there is anything wrong with that) starts to back you into a corner as a developer. Want a cheap linux laptop with reasonable specs? Fine, get a chromebook and install a "real" linux distro on it and not this locked down thing, then you can format your drives however you want.

Comment Please explain the outrage?? (Score 1) 183

I'm a linux user, and a ChromeOS user. I failed to see why everyone got their painties in such a bunch over this. ext* external file systems don't really seem to be in the scope of the ChormeOS devices, what would be the use case for 99.99% of users of ChromeOS to do this? Heck, I don't even format my detachable external drives as ext* on my linux boxen as those are the drives I use to transfer bits around to other computers.

Comment All the time (Score 1) 572

I do it here, and not for nefarious reasons.

My use case is our floor workers all have very restricted access to the internet at their non-user specific workstations. Since we use Google apps for our mail here I needed a way to allow access to our corporate gmail, but not their personal ones. Since all accounts are on the google.com domain I can't just block via fqdn, I need something to intercept which account they are accessing and restrict based on that.

Heck, google even documents how to do it right here https://support.google.com/a/a...

Comment You're looking in the wrong place (Score 1) 178

Lot's of companies exist that do exactly that, but I think you're looking for a big nationwide (or worldwide) company. Look for local managed IT providers, lot's of them exist that do nearly all that you want (don't see many offering XMPP, as much as I would like it), heck in my small circle if IT friends, two of the guys own such companies. These guys exist to provide turnkey IT solutions to companies that don't have the abilities to do it themselves and I'll bet if you can drive enough business they would probably let you setup some kind of whitebox rebranding deal if you want your name on it.

Comment Re:where is the talent going to come from (Score 1) 103

'where is the talent going to come from?' Local I would imagine. Since it's only going to create 29 jobs in the city, surely there are 29 local people that are qualified to work in a DC with the six colleges nearby from your cited link. I doubt anyone would want to uproot and move there that didn't have pre-exiting ties.

Comment Re:Will anyone use Lion 'server'? (Score 2) 303

Right, it's not really ment to be end user serviced, because most end users are not capable of servicing a dead drive. You simply pay $149 to extend you AppleCare coverage to three years when you purchase your shiny new macmini server, and when a drive fails they can walk it into an apple store and the "Genius" will replace the drive for them, no extra charge.

THAT is exactly what small businesses need. I've worked large multi-national enterprise IT, and I've worked small business; oftentimes my "Enterprise" brain wants to kick in and build out a fully redundant setup for a small business that is only employing 8 people making a few thousand profit each month. In my mind of five nines of uptime it makes sense, but for those 8 people it makes no sense at all.

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