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Comment Re:Shoot him (Score 1) 309

The more tools you have to solve a problem the better off you are.

When there are too many tools you spend more time trying to find one that works rather than getting on with completing the job.

There's nothing more annoying than working on a project with someone that only knows 1 language.

Which has nothing to do with having more languages. That is a person who hasn't learned to use any other language.

Comment Shoot him (Score 0) 309

Anyone who thinks there aren't enough languages shouldn't be shot on sight. No exceptions.

What we need are people who are more interested in developing quality software, which works, without thinking they need to be on the bleeding edge of technology. Look at how horrible the web has become because people thought they were being hip and edgy by making continuous scrolling web sites or slide out menu options.

If you make a robust site, or application, you won't need to worry about needing the latest and greatest because it will just work.

Further, trying to claim that desktop applications are usable is a joke in itself. Just like web sites, developers, and the companies they work for, think throwing eye candy at the user is what is needed. As a result, one is constantly fighting the application because it thinks it knows what you are trying to do and tries to be "helpful" when all it's doing is getting in the way. Automatic tabs in Word anyone?

This is just another example of people in the industry being out of touch with reality. Maybe if they would spend more time out of their cube watching how real people perform their work,and how today's systems perform, we wouldn't have to hear about this nonsense every other week.

Comment Re:This is awesome (Score 1, Interesting) 217

If open source has one strength, it's that when many skilled eyes DO converge on the code

Keep making excuses for why open source should get a pass on something like this. The code has been around for 16 years. How many eyes have looked at the code since it was put out?

Open source is no better or worse than closed source. People just like to think it is because of situations like this when someone shouts, "I found a flaw!" but completely ignore the time the problem has existed.

If open source is so great, this flaw wouldn't have been around this long, would it?

Comment Re:huh (Score 1) 264

Why do we continue to allow things like this to get blown so far out of proportion that we end up sending 16yr olds to prison for something that never really had a chance to do harm to anyone in the first place?

So essentially blinding someone who is supposed to be in control of a vehicle which weighs several thousand pounds, carrying potentially hundreds of people and gallon upon gallon of highly explosive fuel does no harm? What a strange, twisted world you must live in where you think it's acceptable to potentially cause a catastrophic accident.

The next time you're out walking, I'll just flash one of these laser pointers at you because obviously they don't do any harm. If I happen to hit you in the eye and you lose your sight, oh well, no biggee.

Comment Re:Saves NYers nothing (Score 1) 286

We should shut down any "creative" ways of increasing revenue like adding red light cameras, or allowing confiscation of your car if you get a speeding ticket.

How is someone parking in front of a fire hydrant a "creative" way to increase revenue? Everyone knows, point blank, you never park in front of a hydrant. Take a look at what happened to this jackass who thought the rules didn't apply to them.

Further, confiscating someone's vehicle because they got a speeding ticket sounds like they had other issues. Police do not take your vehicle for one ticket. Most likely this person was a habitual offender, possibly running drugs, so confiscation helps the community by removing their ability (temporarily) to endanger people around them.

Or are we supposed to coddle people who feel it's acceptable to endanger other people's lives like this guy?

Comment Re:Depends (Score 3, Insightful) 255

are more loyal employees hence a reduced cost of employment long term.

Are you factoring in the costs associated with the other people on the team having to do/redo this person's work or go over with them how to do something for the tenth time?

If after a sufficiently long period of time someone can't get up to speed, the folks at the top might want to suggest to them to find another career. Being loyal and friendly is fine, but if others have to constantly check and recheck their work, that is just wasted time and increased costs.

Comment First you need real broadband (Score 0) 339

As those of us in the U.S. know all too well, our broadband service, let alone broadband service providers, is woefully lacking compared to the rest of the industrialized world.

With the advent of "net neutrality which isn't really neutral", that discrepancy will only increase, costing end users even more money for the same slow speeds.

This doesn't take into consideration the fact that if I want to own a movie/show so I can watch it whenever I want, the DVD is the way to go. I've bought it, I can watch it a billion times if I want (assuming the DVD lasts that long). As far as I know, you can't do that with streaming.

Once again, analog beats digital.

Comment Re:I'd be satisfied with... (Score 0) 105

Because it's one thing to pay public money to a private org to get work done; it's quite another to pay public money to public servants and have the resulting product not be available to the public.

No it's not. It's still public money. Just because one is a private organization should not mean they should be exempt from releasing their work such as you suggest the public servants should do.

This is the same twisted logic the banks and brokerage firms used in 2007-2008 to justify why they shouldn't be answerable to government oversight despite getting trillions of taxpayer dollars to prop up their failed businesses and giving themselves bonuses with that money. If you're getting taxpayer money, you should be subject to the same rules as the public employees.

Comment Re:Stupid question (Score 2) 483

As someone who recently had to put my cat to sleep because of cancer, the vet told me they were using an overdose of barbiturates, not gas.

I felt my best bud of 12 years go limp in my hands within a second or two of the injection and he was gone a second or two later.

Maybe my vet was different, but I've known other vets who do the same.

Comment Re:What would help? Doing their jobs (Score 1) 64

Perhaps they should do their jobs which would result in finding things like mice and cockroaches,

Nothing like a rant based on nonsense to start the day. You obviously have never looked at the NYC Health Inspections web site where they list the reasons for the restaurant grade, including if they find mice droppings (or mice themselves). Here, let me show you the way.

In fact, Per Se, a well known restaurant, recently received a 'C' grade because of their violations.

But go ahead and rant, it's your right. The nice thing about freedom of speech is it reveals to the world the true nature of an individual.

Comment Re:Just Tack on a Fee (Score 0) 626

because there are no more speeding cars and reckless drivers

Except there won't be and most likely there is a good chance there will be more reckless drivers as they get frustrated at being caught behind cars driving the speed limit.

Years ago Virginia wanted to raise the cost of their speeding tickets to around $1,000 but only if the person was caught going 20 miles over the posted speed limit. People were howling about how awful it was, how it wasn't fair and couldn't the state just raise their taxes so they could continue to speed.

See this article for some comments, particularly this one:

"It's outrageous," says traffic court attorney Thaddeus Furlong of Springfield, Va. "When Mr. and Mrs. Middle Class find out what they have to pay, there's going to be a backlash like you've never seen."

something that makes the world better instead of being a necessary evil.

It's only a necessary evil because, to throw words back in people's faces, people refuse to live in a civilized society and not do things which endanger other people's lives such as speeding, talking on their cell phones while speeding, stiff-arming the steering wheel while speeding and talking on their cell phones, robbing, raping, and murdering people, to name just a few things.

Comment The Cloud! The Cloud! (Score 1) 74

I can only hope the mad rush to get everything to the cloud continues so as more and more of these incidents occur people will see the folly of letting someone else manage their data.

Further, if someone is able to get into a cloud service, it's not just your information that is compromised, it is the thousands of other people as well. Imagine a company having its internal documents about an upcoming product being made available to its competitors.*

* To those who might cheer this scenario, image if it's your company or the company you work for. Not so cheery when the product you were working on to get your paycheck won't get made because someone else has the same information, is it?

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