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Comment Simply no need to buy as many anymore (Score 4, Insightful) 393

It used to be that a house with multiple PCs wasn't that uncommon. With phones & tablets there are now many households that can get by with zero PCs, and many more that can do everything they need with just one.

Real world user performance has stagnated, with hardware gains not translating into doing a given task faster anymore. A PC from three years ago isn't that much slower at what most users are doing than a brand new one, so there's no particular need to upgrade.

This is what a mature market looks like. The product is going to continue to sell for a long time, but it's not the hot item it used to be.

Comment There's no reason to upgrade again (Score 3, Insightful) 307

Sales spiked up during the HD transition because everyone was upgrading from SD to HD. The benefits were obvious and easily viewable.

Those days are over. I don't want fake 3d with stupid glasses. I don't need a TV with a camera that can Skype, my phone already does it (better). There's simply no reason why I'd need to buy another new TV, unless my current one dies.

Sorry TV makers, but this is the new normal. If you set up expecting things to stay in transition sales mode forever, than it sucks to be you.

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