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Comment Re:What were the pings then? (Score 1) 245

Specified frequency is 37.5 kHz ± 1kHz

Search teams picked up two signals on April 5 at a frequency of 33.5kHz before two more were received three days later at 27kHz.

While both are significantly lower than the 37.5kHz frequency black box beacons are designed to emit, the April 5 signals are still possible, down perhaps to weakening batteries or the 'vagaries of deep-sea conditions'.

Buoys tend to move around and some get lost, so that could account for the 27kHz signals.

Comment Re:Shot down? (Score 1) 245

If you had said that Singapore shot the plane down I would believe you but I doubt the Indonesian military would get out of bed fast enough to shoot down an airliner. And the Singaporeans would just say yeah we shot it down so what? I know from personal reports that sg keeps aircraft idling on the runways ready for a situation like this.

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