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Comment Why I only do iOS (Score 4, Insightful) 614

It's real simple for me, Android is an awful platform to develop for (as are all the lowest common denominator cross platform API's). I have fun developing for iOS and really like the native API and developer tools. It's important for me to actually enjoy what I'm doing. I've definitely lost some projects because I don't offer an Android, but it's not really mattered since I have more work than I know what to do with anyway. Even after culling Android and only taking projects that really interest me, I still have to turn down projects because I'm already booked up.

Android is just not my cup of tea, if it's yours, then more power to you.

Comment It's not the TV (Score 1) 839

It's what's *on* the TV that's the problem. I realized the other day that I don't watch a single TV show on the 3 major networks, I don't even really know or care what's on their schedules anymore really, and only one on Fox, The Simpsons. The few other shows I watch like Breaking Bad, Justified, Curb, Daily Show, Colbert, are all on cable. Although the dearth of quality TV can be a good thing as well, I'm no longer tempted to veg out on the couch anymore.

Comment You didn't given them your real name, right? (Score 1) 517

I can only hope you contacted them anonymously and covered your e-mail tracks (and/or are far outside--presumably--US jurisdiction) otherwise you just opened yourself up to a huge world of trouble. I'm going to assume you're a young person and haven't yet realized you are surrounded by a world of idiots and can't fix everything, you just need to keep your head down and pick your battles, this isn't one of them.

Comment Re:I'm making money (Score 1) 542

No, I'm making 100K at my day job. It's more convenient for health insurance and tax purposes as well. I can just adjust my withholding on the fly at my day job to account for my freelance taxes without having to do the whole quarterly estimated payments nonsense.

Another good portion of my clients are companies that need in-house apps or other programmers than need components or whatever. I really prefer those guys the best, they pay on time and know what they're doing.

I have to wade though a lot of fluff like "I want a game/app just XXX (Angry Birds usually :)" but at the moment even culling out all that I have more work than I know what to do with. I've stopped doing game projects, they usually turn into too much of a time sink and aren't worth it for what the client is willing to pay me. I usually do flat fee contracts, but work out the budget based on 75$/hr. Usually I do a gross "this will take 20/40/60/80 hours" type estimates.

Comment I'm making money (Score 5, Funny) 542

I'm reliably making money from the App Store, $75000 (on the side, in addition to my day job) in the last year and half actually. How? By writing apps for all those people that think they're going to get rich from App Store. I'd say probably 10% of my clients have made any money from their apps. Personally I don't try to feed their notions, I just produce the best product I can for them, and they can worry about making money from it, I'll take my money upfront for the coding thank you very much. I always turn down the projects where they want to do "profit sharing".

I do laugh at the guys that make me sign an NDA before they show me their super secret idea. Dude, ideas are a time a dozen, somebody's probably already thought of whatever idea it is you have.

Comment Re:He is using strange definitions (Score 1) 520

Here here. I get more work than I know what to do with doing freelance programming on the side, and I'm competing against those same dirt rate Indian programmers. Why? Because people still pay for quality. I don't know how many times I've seen clients get stuck with crappy code from these guys. In my case, I'm even benefiting from another creative person who created an entire new industry that I'm working in. That person? Steve Jobs. iPhone programming on the side basically paid for my new house. Thanks Steve! Rest in peace.

Comment Science vs irrelevancy (Score 1) 1345

To me, it's not science vs religion, it's more like science vs shit that doesn't hold the slightest relevance to my life in any way whatsoever. Yeah be nice to each to other, treat other people with respect, don't lie, cheat, kill, etc I get it, no shit, thanks religion, like I didn't know that already, now go fuck off.

Comment Re:What other products (Score 1) 1019

God and such a terrible burden it is. Of course I guess the alternative in a wonderful libertarian utopia would be deny to medical treatment to anyone not wearing a seat belt during a crash, after all that's that would be the logical thing for an insurance company to do. Yeah let's do that rather than mandating the minor inconvenience in order to save lives and reduce overall health care costs for everyone. I guess you're against speed limits as well? If I want to drive 100 mph in a school zone I have every right!

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