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Comment Thanks Apple (Score 0) 170

Really Apple is the only major manufacturer who has provided me no-cost full disk encryption, location tracking, remote lock, and remote wipe capabilities out of the box for my phone, tablet, and laptop. Others have the option but it's purchased with a time limited service like LoJack or Computrace... and even then, the device support is limited.

It's unfortunate that they don't take a hardline with thieves and serial numbers of devices reported stolen. You remove the ability for an iPhone to activate and the device is useless to the thief.

Comment Re:Buried within the article (Score 1) 113

But the other thing - it's all the big boys doing the work, IBM, CA, etc. So they have NO motivation to do it right. Instead they are milking the system for all it's worth.

Just outsource the labor to a third world contractor and reap the profits for your shareholders. Thanks tax payers - you rock!

Oh wait... they're getting wind of this - let's start a gay marriage protest or whitehouse scandal, Fox news will blast that shit all over the place!

Comment 14.5M if everyone settles (Score 1) 376

The Oscar was guilt award provided by the academy to show their support for the troops. The movie, even if it never hit the p2p networks, would have never grossed more.

The movie wasn't a public hit because it didn't appeal to a broad range of movie goers. If they feel they need to sue for this - then so be it, but 5,000 cases in one DC court? What the fuck was this judge thinking?

Comment IOps first Capacity second (Score 1) 165

In the world of storage area networks you must design too support the IO load first and capacity will typically never be an issue - in tier one and two storage.

With cache cards and ssd becoming cheaper this rule is changing but for many SANs they have wasted space only because they needed more spindles to support the load.

Comment Re:Eh? (Score 1) 420

Insane, maybe - but there maybe some other factors in play here.

Maybe the company's data center is full and additional storage would require additional investment in racks, cooling, power distribution, etc.

Maybe the company is trying to encourage sane storage practices. How many storage network managers or engineers see TB of storage wasted because one department or another copies everything, twice, to the network... and never touches it again?

I would *love* to be able to charge back to the other departments that clutter up my servers with multiple copies of their files - but it gets very political very fast. So we now leverage tiered storage and put those file stores on slow SATA disks with weekly only backups. If the file becomes a popular file - it'll eventually get cached in the controller and be available very quickly to many users.

Comment Shareware Alternatives (Score 4, Insightful) 416

I actually like this idea. It's an alternative for small application developers to make money on their hard work.

Same goes for the iPhone iADs - it's not going to pop up ads in mail or calendar - it simply provides an API for developers to write in ad serving space on their free applications. This is an alternative to actually charging people money for the software.

Way to incite a flamewar and bring out the fan boys...

Comment Re:Thanks for the clarification Motorola, (Score 1) 294

I was waiting for this news... Motorola congrats you just lost another sale. Who's to blame for this? It sounds like shit Verizon would pull but I wouldn't put it past Motorola to do this too. The same company that sold me a razor phone with mini USB port that only worked with their chargers.

I'm So sick of being treated like a theif or criminal by my consumer electronics.

Comment Re:Ummm it's their technology (Score 1) 231

I'm a happy NetApp customer and do not agree with you. ZFS has been on the opensource market long enough and documented well enough to be far out of the realm of patent-tolling.

I had an interesting candid discussion with a NetApp engineer and he also thought their legal stance on this was "dickish" and causing a lot of bad feelings overall. He's in the mindset that if they're selling a box with opensource software - fucking great! We'll sell you the support and give back to the code base with features, bug fixes, and the like. But it was nice to hear a fellow grunt in the trench speak a bit of sanity from what seems to be an insane lawsuit.

Comment Re:btrfs successor (Score 1) 231

Too right. Take those deduplicated blocks of your 8000 images, then place them on SATA storage... dirt cheap vast sata disks. When you go to pull those images - even a few hundred or thousand at a time - your SATA disks will populate the cache cards in your filer with most of the duplicate blocks - and your disks will never be your bottleneck when you're pulling them back down.

NAS tech has gotten real interesting with the introduction of good and large cache, deduplication, and giant cheap SATA disks.

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