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Comment Re:Where's the factory-reset button? (Score 1) 131

Please forgive me for taking the article summary at face value when it said

If the hacker leaves the range of the device, there's no way to regain control of the Chromecast.

The only way that could be true is if there was no properly functioning hardware reset button.

I've been around /. awhile, I really should know better than to assume article summaries are accurate.

Comment Where's the factory-reset button? (Score 2, Interesting) 131

If the hacker leaves the range of the device, there's no way to regain control of the Chromecast.

Where's the factory-reset button when you need it?

Consumer-electronics that aren't so cheap they are "disposable" should have a "reset to last known good state" hardware button and for some types of devices, a "save current state as known good state" hardware button. If the second button is missing, the "factory fresh state" will forever be the only "last known good state."

The second button is needed for installing "bios-level" anti-theft software and the like that can't be undone by the first button, if the customer wants to make that software non-uninstallable by a security-savvy thief should it be stolen.

For some products, one or both of these buttons may require opening the case and breaking tamper-evident seals, but they should exist, and they should be true hardware buttons, not defeat-able by software.

They need to be hardware buttons so a virus or malware doesn't "press" them, defeating the purpose of being able to "roll back" the machine to a previous state.

Comment Please do (Score 1) 122

am seriously considering assing client side resistance to the medical software I write designed for use across the public internet because of people like you who collect data you have no business collecting.

Please do.

The only one of the examples I listed in the grandparent post that I plan on implementing are those in a role of a parent.

When I have a 6 year old kid who is using the Internet, no amount of "client-side resistance" that you add is going to stop me from seeing what's on the screen as I watch my kid use the computer.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Nobots Chapter Thirty Three 2

An alarm woke me up at quarter after six. What the hell? Fire in P117? I put on a robe, and as I trudged down there Tammy was running into the commons. I wondered what was going on.
I got to Passenger quarters 117 and it was a damned drill, the light wasn't flashing and I didn't smell any smoke. I really didn't expect to, because except for Tammy's quarters none of the rest of the passenger section was occupied and

Comment Hiding bridges (Score 1) 122

If counteracting the detecting and blocking bridge notes becomes a problem - and it probably will as soon the the Chinese get good at it - someone will find a solution.

A resource-intensive solution would be to layer the TOR/bridge traffic on top of and steganographically embedded into some seemingly-normal traffic, such as an encrypted streaming video, so that a traffic analysis would say "it's probably just someone watching online TV."

Comment Corporate MITM (Score 1) 122

Which is more evil:
Telling employees "we block all encrypted traffic and snoop on everything else"

or telling them

"We MITM all encrypted traffic we can so we can snoop on it, we snoop on everything we can and block the rest"

or telling them

"we block all traffic except traffic to the few Internet resources we know you need, and oh by the way we snoop on that"

or telling the

"we don't think you need a computer to do your job, if you do need a computer to do your job then talk to your boss and he MAY give you the keys to the one room where there is a computer. Oh, by the way, there are TV cameras all over that room so don't even think about using it for non-business purposes."

Substitute "school," "institution," or "parent" for "employer" and substitute "student," "client/end-user," or "minor child who the parents deem too young/immature to use the Internet unsupervised" for "employee."

Speaking of parents, many parenting experts highly recommend that if a kid under a certain age/maturity level wants to use the Internet, he only be allowed to do so under close supervision, as in mom or dad in the room within eyesight of the screen. What age? Experts disagree, but almost all would put the cutoff age where mom can leave the room for a few minutes at somewhere in the elementary school (age 5-12) age range.

Comment Firewalls that block suspicious activity (Score 2) 122

Time will come when firewalls inspect all outgoing packets and use heuristics to guess how dangerous encrypted traffic might be.

For example:

  • Whitelisted sites Encrypted traffic to an IP address previously whitelisted by the firewall vendor or end user? It's whitelisted, let it pass.
  • Heuristically safe sites Encrypted traffic to an IP address known to be associated with a well-known domain whose DNS is known to be valid and who is known to typically use encryption over this port and whose recent activity hasn't been suspicious? Probably safe.
  • Suspicious traffic to an okay site Encrypted traffic to whitelisted or probably-safe web sites that is uncharacteristic in size or other known details? Possibly not safe.
  • Unknown site Encrypted traffic to anyone else who isn't blacklisted? Possibly not safe.
  • Blacklisted site Encrypted traffic to a blacklisted site? Block it.

In the middle three groups, give the user a chance to approve/block/whitelist the traffic or, if the user just wants such traffic logged or just wants to see an on-screen alert but doesn't want to be bothered with the "should I block it" question, log it and/or put up a visible notification to the end-user.

Comment A different culture and a different attitude (Score 1) 529

Decades ago - we are talking the 50s and 60s, possibly up through the '70s and '80s, large companies treated employees as a long-term asset not as a short- or medium-term one.

They wanted to cultivate the reputation of "we take care of our employees" more than "we take care of our stockholders."

Back then, it would take a radically different skill-set between those being laid off and those being hired for you to see simultaneous layoffs and hiring from abroad. As a hypothetical example, if a conglomerate were shutting down its meat-packing division and hiring new researchers as it expands its pharmaceutical research division, the odds are that most of those meat-packers wouldn't have the intellectual capacity to qualify for the Ph.D.- or at least graduated-in-the-top-quarter-of-my-class-from-a-good-school B.S.-in-chemistry-or-a-related-field- degree required for the new jobs even if the company was willing to invest 4-6 years to re-train them.

Today, by contrast, if the employee being laid off can't be quickly retrained, the short-term-economic decision is a no-brainer: lay that person off and hire someone for the newly-created job who can hit the ground running.

Comment Australia? Canada? Hello? (Score 1) 529

the rest of the world had basically been converted to rubble and it takes a couple of decades to rebuild after such destruction.

I assume you mean the rest of the industrialized world.

Do Canada and Australia not count?

I don't think Canada suffered much infrastructure damage in WWII. Other than the northern coastal areas (particularly Darwin) and some ship-launched attacks on harbors I don't think Australia did either.

Comment On immigrant visas in general (Score 1) 529

I'm going to get a lot of flak for this but I generally favor open immigration when it comes to people who can contribute to our economy, even if this means my paycheck will go down and my field's labor market will be more competitive for me as a result.

* America shouldn't pretend to be the land of opportunity if it's not.
* If I can't compete in in my chosen job market without depending on the government to protect me from immigrant workers, either I need to get better at what I do or I need to find another line of work where I can compete.
* If my standard of living is higher than the income I would make in a free (from an immigration perspective) labor market, I need to lower my standard of living or find a more financially lucrative line of work.
* If a company has a choice between
1. hiring US workers who may be in short supply and demanding higher wages
2. importing workers to increase the supply and as a result possibly depress wages slightly
3. outsourcing the work overseas where the supply is more plentiful and the wages are significantly lower
everything else being equal it will go with #3.

Now, everything isn't equal, and there are usually clear benefits from having employees who are if not on-site at least in-country. But if the benefits aren't high enough to do #1 over #3 and #2 isn't an option, guess what choice they will pick? If you make #2 an attractive option compared to #3, American will at least benefit from the imported workers paying rent or buying homes, eating food, and otherwise helping the local economies of where they live.

In other words, if America let in anyone willing and able to work who had a job offer in hand, enough skills and financial resources to make sure they don't become a burden if they get laid off, and no particular reason to not let in that person, we should let them in to work.

Comment Re:Finally! (Score 2) 474

It might cause a few deaths but it also sustains the multi billion dollar prison industry and employs well over 1 million people in the US alone

None of those jobs help the economy. Why should people be employed in occupations that have no benefit to society whatever and are in fact detrimental to society?

The government profits from illegal drugs even more than drug cartels do.

Colorado's pot legalization and the multi-billion dollar alcohol industry shows that governments profit a lot more from legal, regulated drugs than outlawing them.

I've known drug addicts, and the WHO is also right about compulsory addiction treatment; compulsory treatment flat out doesn't work. The addict has to want to stop, and it's very hard even when they want to. Alcoholics and other drug addicts relapse more often than not after treatment.

However, should they ever invent the fictional drug in the novel I'm writing (see my journal, the first crude draft is being posted there) I sure hope it's not legal!

Comment maybe, maybe not (Score 2) 100

See .

Short version:
* Yes for " debts, public charges, taxes, and dues."
* Not necessarily for goods or services.

In short, if you go into a store to buy something, they can say "no cash accepted, check or credit card only." But if they extend you store credit, you can pay off that debt later with cash, at least in theory.

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