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Comment Re:Now all they need to do... (Score 1) 138

Is figure out why so many who are on SSRI's or had recently stopped taking them, become suicidal or go on shooting rampages, or both.

It's people like you who encourage the stigma that we're in this mess where people go untreated for decades/lifetime, in spite of the fact that over 1/4 of everyone suffers from a diagnosable mental illness in any given year.

One in four adults - approximately 61.5 million Americans experiences mental illness in a given year. One in 17 - about 13.6 million - live with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, major depression or bipolar disorder.1

-- NAMI http://www.nami.org/factsheets...

I ask you, where the fuck is the Ice Bucket Challenge for mental illness? That's something I asked last Wednesday at my DBSA meeting. I'm asking it here. Where the fuck is it? We've got the Susan G. Komen foundation for breast cancer, yet more women suffer from mental illness than have ever had breast cancer. But there is pink everywhere.

Unfortunately, NAMI is only there for caregiver support and even for that they are absolutely silent in the media. They do absolutely bupkis for people who actually suffer from mental illness. Support is nearly nonexistent. I don't know of any foundation that supports the treatment of mental illness, raises awareness or even works to end the stigma. And for people who suffer from mental illness, there is not anything in the way of patient support/guidance (like who you should see for what). It's all "fly by the seat of your pants" stuff, and when you are in the middle of a major depressive episode even asking for help from anyone is daunting or even impossible.

I came here to call you a jerk, but I figured I'd say something more informative.



"it has to be emphasized that if the pain were readily describable most of the countless sufferers from this ancient affliction would have been able to confidently depict for their friends and loved ones (even their physicians) some of the actual dimensions of their torment, and perhaps elicit a comprehension that has been generally lacking; such incomprehension has usually been due not to a failure of sympathy but to the basic inability of healthy people to imagine a form of torment so alien to everyday experience."
-- William Styron, Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness

Comment Re:Why not stronger punishments for... (Score 2) 138

all of this media that has already ruined the next Star Wars movie.

The only thing that has ruined a Star Wars movie is George Lucas.

http://redlettermedia.com/plin... - the best ever deconstructions of Star Wars that are more entertaining than those movies ever were.

Watch and learn, Grasshopper.

For a shorter version:



Comment Re:Why so much fuss? (Score 4, Interesting) 156

The dealer shill thus spake:

the local dealer may have overpriced their product so you buy elsewhere, but that local dealer is still obligated to do the warranty service (for which they are paid quite well by the manufacturers).

In no other industry is this true. In electronics, white goods, etc, there are "certified warranty service centers" where you can call up and get them to fix your stuff. For example, you don't have to go to an Apple dealer to get your high-priced computer fixed under warranty - you can bring it or ship it to one of many service centers.


Please note that the requirement to become a service center does not include having to be an Apple reseller.

Ford, Volkswagen, Jaguar, Chevrolet, etc., should be able to certify garages for warranty work. But no, the automobile industry is the only industry where you have to go to a dealer to get warranty work done.

Leeches, all of you. Die already.


Comment Re:More importantly (Score 5, Insightful) 393

That battery will NOT last forever,

And neither does an internal combustion engine, either. Your point?

and when it needs a new one you'd be better off scrapping the entire car and buying a new one.

Citation needed. Seriously.

How good is that for the environment?

Awesome, actually. The battery can be recycled, and there aren't any heavy metals to deal with either.


Comment Wait... wait... (Score 1) 282

You want to take one of the most important advantages of a Linux distribution like Debian, the flexibility, and take it away?

This is one of the dumbest things I've seen on /. and I've seen some dumb.

There are already "specialist" distributions for people who don't know what they're doing or simply want something to plug-and-play. But Debian is not only a distribution unto itself, it is the basis for other distributions, like Kali, a meta-distribution if you will. And the OP wants to basically take this away from Debian or the other large distributions.

This has to be a joke, or the OP is a softie. If not a softie, then a quisling. Certainly not someone playing with all cards in the deck.


Comment Re:Don't feed the parasites! (Score 1) 316

I thought people were allowed to have their own beliefs in this country without others attacking them for it.

>modded insightful

Yeah, well moderation here isn't perfect. Because you are wrong, and I will demonstrate how in the next two sentences.

You are perfectly free to spout inane bullshit.
Other people are perfectly free to call you on it.

That's how free speech works.

And your post was complete bullshit supported by toddler logic.

Have a nice day.


Comment Re:Teaching Windows/Linux (Score 1) 579

>I was trying to figure out how to turn on focus-follows-mouse in Ubuntu,

1. You can't even /do/ "focus follows mouse" or "sloppy focus" in Windows.
2. You're doing it wrong: http://i.imgur.com/46fP493.png
3. You find 3 ways to do it, pick the worst one, and imply that's the one that users have to do.

Idiot. Troll.


Comment Re:I would (Score 5, Insightful) 123

throw the ones responsible into jail for a long ass time to make a nice example.

While I applaud the sentiment behind this, the "ones responsible" will be some poor schmuck low on the totem pole sacrificed to the god Mammon. Probably a janitor somewhere that would be blamed for throwing away an "important memo" on "please don't do that" which didn't exist anyway.

In an ideal world, emails would be pulled, phone records retrieved, evidence recorded, and those up top would be held responsible for this. And in a really ideal world, none of this would happen. But this isn't an ideal world and fines are "just the cost of doing business."

Look at what Duke Energy got away with. Look at what they all get away with.

>letting the corporation survive

No. That won't fix anything. It has come to the point that corporate death penalties actually have to start happening to light a fire under the asses of employees that would see their livelihoods taken away by higher-ups in the corporation through mismanagement, along with boards seeing their corporate governance (and cash that goes with it) taken away, and stock holders wiped out. Only then will there be any motivation for good corporate governance.


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