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Comment Re:Shell? Give me a web based browser (Score 1) 96

Yeah, I really want to be able to do it right in the browser - I started wanting it the other day when I was sitting in the waiting room at my kid's ballet class and trying to debug an issue on my phone by looking at the code on It would have been 100 times easier if I'd been able to click on method names/classes and jump to the declarations, or even search for references right in the browser. Wondering if I can find where/how eclipse stores it's project indices and roll my own...

Thanks for the reply!

Comment Shell? Give me a web based browser (Score 1) 96

As others have commented I think this idea can be covered with some simple aliases in bash, seems a tad silly.

What I wish was available was a way to view the source of a git with one minor enhancement - the ability to browse with a click to the declaration/definition of functions/variables a la the IDE of your choice. Would be neat to be able to build an index using some tool, check it into the root of your repo, and then have the site use the index to mark up the source code with the appropriate links.

I've dug around for something that does this but haven't found anything suitable - anyone know of anything?

Comment Explain why comments are broken (Score 1) 77

First off I appreciate your comments, wonderful to see a thoughtful and measured response to this whole thing for a change. I've been using the new site for the past few days - at first just trying to sift through the crap, and then getting fed up and downmodding and finally replying to it out of desperation, and through all of it I never witnessed how the commenting/modding system is any more broken that it has ever been. Missing features galore, yes, but fundamentally broken?

The *only* specific gripe I've seen was that if the thread gets too nested the comments are squeezed into an unreadably narrow box. (1) that's seems like a pretty easy fix, and (2) I can't recall the last time I've read through a good comment thread that was more than 4-5 levels deep. So with respect, what am I missing? What has been fundamentally broken in the comment system? Nobody seems to say, they just say it sucks, or is fundamentally broken, or as you say is an add-on, etc.

I've been an active reader/commenter/submitter for over a decade and none of this makes any sense to me. Worst case the site is done, due not to the redesign itself, but the completely unhinged overreaction to it (see: throwing out the baby with the bathwater.) Best case, 1-2 months from now the is cruising along fine minus a tiny group of users with a very skewed set of priorities.

Comment Explain it to me (Score 1) 3

I *honestly* do not understand it. Explain it to me, and don't just tell me it sucks, I want to know the details of your personal torment at the hands of a website redesign. Do you feel slighted? Are you personally offended by the website's layout? On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rank the pain and suffering? Try explaining it to me as you would explain it to a child, or a starving refugee.

It's buggy. There is shit missing. A lot of shit missing. Yet, I seem to be able to read all of these pointless comments, and reply to them without issue. I can mod them offtopic with no issues whatsoever. If it weren't for this totally inexplicable flood of self-righteous protest comments I think my life would cruise right along reading and enjoying normal slashdot comments in the new design. Or, maybe not. Maybe if I could see the site operating as it should be in the new format I would begin to feel your profound misery. Alas I'll never know.

I've resigned myself to the distinct possibility that the site is now forever ruined - by you and your ilk, not by the poor saps charged with the redesign. Of all of the goddamn things to be outraged about, I do not understand it.

Comment The Baby and the Bathwater (Score 1) 150

I can't think of a better idiom to describe what all of you assholes are doing with this Fuck Beta business. Even if you get what you want, something that has changed from "guaranteed access to 'classic'" (even though it's not *really* classic) to "oh yeah, and not just classic, classic with X, Y and Z!!" at this point the site will be ruined because you pimply little fucks have latched onto some kind of mob mentality and will not quit.

The new shit is buggy and is missing features, they've said they'll handle it, let them. Very depressing to see that the general sorry state of discourse in this country has spread now to this site. Fuck the unreasonable vocal minority. I miss the site, quit holding it hostage.

Comment Re:You were not hired to finish the project (Score 1) 308

A good contractor won't try to avoid reputation damage by skulking around and trying to figure out the seedy back story of the project they've been assigned to - in fact I can't think of a better way to damage your reputation!

A good contractor fixes the problem, or clearly documents why he or she cannot fix the problem and provides alternative recommendations, one of which might be hire a different contractor. It's called professionalism.

Comment Re:This is why poeple call their jobs "work" (Score 1) 308

This. The description of the task does not sound out of the ordinary to me, it sounds about like what I have been doing for the past 15 years.

...the code is not robust. You create a small new feature, and the app breaks down in unexpected ways. You fix a bug, and new bugs pop up all over the place.

You've just described every project I've ever been dropped into - welcome to the wonderful world of software development, where anything is possible - but NOTHING is easy.

Comment Re:why is everyone always snide about Tesla? (Score 1) 476

Relevant quote from the movie Moneyball:

...I know you've taken it in the teeth out there, but the first guy through the wall. It always gets bloody, always. It's the threat of not just the way of doing business, but in their minds it's threatening the game. But really what it's threatening is their livelihoods, it's threatening their jobs, it's threatening the way that they do things. And every time that happens, whether it's the government or a way of doing business or whatever it is, the people are holding the reins, have their hands on the switch. They go bat shit crazy. I mean, anybody who's not building a team right and rebuilding it using your model, they're dinosaurs...

Comment Digital Book Scanning Operation (Score 3, Interesting) 231

Get the kids involved in an ongoing operation whereby books are acquired, digitally scanned, and then re-donated to other schools/libraries/etc. Store the digital copies in some offsite database that can be shared amongst other schools/libraries/etc. Provide terminals where the students can peruse the scanned books and allow access to the digital library for students at home.

Can't think of a better way to keep a library as a place to learn new and relevant skills and be exposed to gobs of information and knowledge at the same time.

I'm sure this all falls apart when the copyright lawyers get involved, but I would love to see the publicity the publishers get when they sue a school library :)

Comment Re:my dad (Score 5, Interesting) 57

That's great. It's amazing the level of interest that people express when they are presented the opportunity to view these things with no effort or cost associated.

When the Venus transit happened I set up my little orion in the driveway and projected the image onto a sheet of paper and within 10 or 15 minutes a mob of people from my neighborhood (most of whom I'd never met) had gathered around - parents on walks with their kids, dogs, or out jogging, what have you - it was great. They were all talking about it, asking questions about it, generally marveling at the image.

The best part was explaining it to the kids - I would explain what was happening, they would turn to the image again, and a few seconds later you could see on their faces the realization of the scope of what they were witnessing. It was really great. I can see why he did it.

Comment Re:Automated referee-ing (Score 1) 253

I always wanted them to do this for gymnastics/ice skating/diving at the olympics and such - the subjective nature of the judging for these sports leads to all sorts of controversy.

They could require the athletes to wear sensors, or just stickers of some kind on their joints and then have the computer judge how close their movements come to the "ideal" movements for their size of frame. A perfect 10 would really mean perfection. They could still have a human panel to judge artistic merits or whatever, but particularly for diving and gymnastics it seems mainly technical.

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