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Comment Re:Mischief in Relation to Data (Score 4, Informative) 104

It does have a somewhat specific legal meaning.

(1.1) Every one commits mischief who wilfully
        (a) destroys or alters data;
        (b) renders data meaningless, useless or ineffective;
        (c) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with the lawful use of data; or
        (d) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with any person in the lawful use of data or denies access to data to any person who is entitled to access thereto.
(5) Every one who commits mischief in relation to data
        (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years; or
        (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Comment Re:Becoming Canadian (Score 1) 423

I need to ask because dealing with those rules are my day job – how do Canadians avoid constructive sales?

For those who don’t know, in constructive sales one can “economically” sell a security (i.e. stock), extract the money from said sale, but delay the “actual” sell – and the associated taxes – indefinitely.

I would think that the General Anti-Avoidance Rule in section 245 of the Income Tax Act would cover that kind of scheme.

IANAA, etc.

Comment Re:Think of all those poor accountants! (Score 3, Informative) 423

Yes. Was one of the Ryan-as-president ones. Probably Executive Orders. I believe the Warren Buffet expy he appoints as SecTreas uses the tax code to break a table to convince Congress that the tax code needs simplification. It includes some monologuing about cutting capital gains taxes to encourage investment (something that sounds obvious, but is generally unsupported by evidence).

Comment Re:Appeal to authority is not good enough (Score 3, Informative) 588

"A European schedule"?

You are aware that Europe contains a great many countries, right?

And that some countries (e.g. Belgium, Bulgaria) in Europe run faster schedules (vaccinations at 2, 3, and 4 months) than the USA does (which does vaccinations at 2, 4, and 6 months).

Here's a handy summary of Europe's vaccine schedules. Compare it to the USA's schedule.

Comment Re:Honest? (Score 1) 50

So my question is: Were the banks running older versions of OpenSSL that were unaffected, or did they patch the newest version of OpenSSL and renew their certs, or did they patch and not renew their certs?

Or there's 4th option : They never used OpenSSL to start with. It's widely used, but it's hardly the only TLS implementation around.

Comment Re:The internet of things...that might get you kil (Score 1) 128

today we spend a bunch of money on new stuff that duplicates the functionality of old stuff. recently I spent $15 on an LED bulb and $15 on a dimmer lamp socket so I could have a dimmable lamp, something we had with the first electric lamps 100 years ago, and something we've had with oil lamps for 300 years.

And the new stuff does the same thing while needing about 1/5th as much power as the old stuff.

Comment Re:Voltage != Power (Score 4, Informative) 208

Realistically, how many amps is thing thing going to allow?

They're saying 5A at 20V.

Realistically, I wish the USB-C connector could start at 5 volts but negotiate to 12 volts to offset voltage drop.

That's mostly what it's going to do. It starts at 5V, and negotiates up to 12V or 20V.

Here's the whole presentation - https://intel.activeevents.com...

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