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Comment Pro Audio Devices (Score 1) 69

Windows11 anecdotally has some distinct glitches on systems that run multiples of certain types of pro audio devices. Because pro audio is the single application for which I use Windows, and in fact the only reason I've *ever* used Windows at all, this is of enormous concern for me. The only truly annoying thing I've noticed is that as a side-docker, I can't handle the fixed location of the taskbar. But as strictly a single application user I really don't want a desktop environment at all, just a host OS for my application and maybe a terminal console for file management and administration.

I've never run Windows for anything else real. Linux was either my 4th or 5th Unix, depending on whether Coherent counts. I went straight from the minicomputer world of the 80s to the Unixes of the 90s and was an early adopter of Linux, which works for absolutely everything I do except pro audio. I know Apple is a thing. I know Linux audio is a thing, I've had a hand in developing it. I don't even hate Windows, but I dislike forced platform changes.

Submission + - No Fortran? No data science in R and Python! (walkingrandomly.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Apple Silicon currently has no open source Fortran compiler and Apple themselves are one of the few silicon manufacturers who don't have their own Fortran compiler. You could be forgiven for thinking that this doesn't matter to most users....if it wasn't for the fact that sizeable percentages of foundational data science platforms such as R and scipy are written in Fortran.

Submission + - SPAM: How to get root on Ubuntu 20.04 by pretending nobody's /home exploit 2

Hmmmmmm writes: A vulnerability in GNOME Display Manager (gdm) could allow a standard user to create accounts with increased privileges, giving a local attacker a path to run code with administrator permissions (root).

Although certain conditions are necessary, the bug is easy to exploit. The process involves running a few simple commands in the terminal and modifying general system settings that do not require increased rights.

[spam URL stripped]...

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Comment Re:I wil pay my fair share (Score 4, Informative) 161

The only problem with your plan is that failure to pay taxes is criminal not civil. For all your strong words, when you are looking at a decade in jail you will settle just like everyone else does.

And if you are famous or will get newspaper articles written about your prediciment you will still go to jail, just ask Wesley Snipes. He followed the advice of one of those tax crackpots and he went to jail for 3 years, even after buckling under to the government and paying back everything he owed plus the interest and penalties. The guy that convinced him to do it? 17 Years in jail. The IRS has their own courts and you are guilty in those courts unless you can prove otherwise.

Messing with the IRS is very foolish.

Comment Re: Why? (Score 1) 92

Many situations require the encryption of SSL without necessarily requiring the authentication of SSL. This is the case when the risk is more from something like accidentally or casually disclosing sensitive information and there is little or no risk of intentional attack, but where there are liabilities for routine exposure. This scenario isn't really a job for SSL, but what else do we have to work with?

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