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Comment A simple way to avoid the speech issue (Score 1) 328

One way to effectively accomplish the same thing without affecting freedom of speech is to assign copyrights of an electronic image where a naked person is the primary focus of the recording to the naked person. Then it becomes a copyright issue and not a free speech issue (that is, if you don't consider copyright to be a free speech abrogation!). This shouldn't affect normal porn since the actor would presumably agree to assign the copyright over to the business or photographer for a fee.

Now, sex acts would probably constitute a joint work, and would be fair game for either party to publish (although royalties, if existing, would be shared), but that means that one party would have to be willing to upload emself to the revenge porn site. Fine, if you wanna do that.

Comment quantum computers (Score 1) 199

From the summary, it sounds like this theory is saying that a quantum computer is useless, or that it cannot be scaled up, because something in quantum mechanics is preventing a quantum computer from efficiently calculating an NP problem.

But it asks the question, what is the reason for this computational limit? It's not like atoms are actually using computer algorithms to calculate their behavior.


Should Patients Have the Option To Not Know Their DNA? 157

An anonymous reader writes "Genome sequencing is getting faster and cheaper every year. This article points out that in the not-too-distant future, a DNA test will be a common diagnostic tool for doctors. It's a good thing for figuring out what's wrong with you — but there will unintended consequences. The test will also return information about conditions and diseases you're likely to get, which will spur more frequent testing — which can be extremely uncomfortable and/or expensive — as well as more frequent worrying. Should people be able to opt-out of this knowledge? Even if they do, should the information go into the patient's medical record? It likely will, and then the next doctor may be in the difficult position of not knowing what she can discuss with the patient. A new decision from the American College of Medical Genetics has recommended giving patients the option of not having the information gathered at all. It can get more complicated, too: '[G]eneticists and bioethicists are already discussing scenarios where patients may approach such decisions more like a menu, saying they want to know about increased risk of heart disease but not cancer, for example.'"

Comment Re:Projections (Score 1) 987

That's just an excuse. A lot of people in poor countries do give a fuck, and (accurately) blame the West for most of climate change. China is not a role model, but they are making substantial investments in alternative energies. Unless you are in China, they are just a distraction from local efforts. Climate change is not some binary switch. Incremental improvements will reduce the impact, even if major devastation is unavoidable.

I think there are enough people interested in meaningful pollution regulation, but first it's necessary to get coal money out of the pockets of politicians.

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