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Comment Re:Hey if it works (Score 1) 77

I thought this as well, but apparently Google has silently acquired Neverware at the end of 2020, whose core product CloudReady makes it possible to run ChromeOS on old PC's.
So yeah; Google IS officially supporting ChromeOS on existing PC's now.
Nordic Choice's move to ChromeOS seems perfectly sane now.

Comment Re:Less competition for me (Score 2) 125

Yeah, you look so good to your bosses. I'm sure your bosses will give you an extra fancy watch as severance pay when they cut your job. All the friends you would have had if you had any time to spend with them would have really admired your fancy watch.

The enjoyment of your time is more valuable than a number on a savings account.

Comment NO! (Score 4, Insightful) 104

I'm not a very good player but I just enjoy playing the game.
I've also been streamed on Twitch by simply being matched into the same game as some random streamer; it's not my mistake match-making systems don't always work well.
Will I now be booted off because that streamer is very popular and can easily get a 60% (or probably just as easily 90%) quora?
I also do not want to be continuously trolled by toxic threats telling me I must improve immediately or be banned from the game.
As a non-competitive, non-streaming gamer, I really do not want to be submitted to this.
Perhaps the match-making systems will allow me to not opt-in to this so we can have normal matches and the streamers can have their popularity contests?

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