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Comment iphones camera?? (Score 1) 60

Did the author just dead#ss forget about camera phones for 5 years prior?

Granted okay the 808 had a camera over 10 years ago thats better than most phones on market now still so good enough is good enough but also modern good enough is better than a pocket camera from 15 years ago.

Comment Re: If society was cooperative rather than competi (Score 1) 150

Technically dictatorship could be argued as slavery and that extended to french revolution and beyond.

The systems how you got your lot varied of course but throughout most of it large concentrations of people tended to have pretty strict hierarchies.

Iike it would be wrong to say that the whip was the only way you got people to do back breaking labor as well. A lot of really crappy jobs in antiquity and even to victorian england weren't structured as ownership of persons.

Arguably in victorian england the exploitation was enabled by the people on top not owning and not having responsibility for the people they exploited in dismal conditions, as it was structured as being those peoples fault they had to work for so little.

Comment Re: Really? (Score 1) 150

We know from their idea of slavery from texts and it was pretty much people as property of state and individuals.

Massacres and genocides too.

The point is though that the slave had no say in the matter of playing the flute and got told that they succ, but that of course could be narrative of whoever wrote the text either to make him sound like an ahole or as we would say now being hyper based.

Comment Re:I have questions... (Score 1) 73

What you pay a true premium for is when Shit Happens at 2AM and your network goes haywire, forcing the IT professional to rely on the trained technical support they paid a lot for and expect to get at 2AM in order to save their ass.

If you need trained technical support to troubleshoot an issue with a switch you aren't much of an IT Professional, IMHO.

In 20+ years in this profession I've never needed technical support on a switch for anything other than a hardware failure requiring RMA/warranty service. Cisco would certainly be less frustrating in this regard, because I wouldn't have to jump through the Tier 1 nonsense to convince them it actually is a hardware failure, as opposed to an ID10T error, but I haven't dealt with enough switch failures to justify the Cisco Premium for this scenario.

I could be a real snob and make the same statement about routers and firewalls. Admittedly a higher bar there, more that can go wrong configuration wise, still, unless we're talking super small business here, you should have enough in-house expertise to manage them with whatever configuration you need.

Comment Re:Just something else for Sony to fuck up. (Score 2) 22

We just have to hope they are willing to invest, and to fire the current show runners

Fixed that for you. ;)

Also, on a more serious note, I know it runs counter to modern day TV, but I would argue the very last thing Trek needs to be is a franchise. TNG was novel because it was all that was on the air at the time. By the time they got to ENT the franchise was burned out and ratings reflected it. I have a lot of issues with NuTrek, but I do really enjoy SNW, can find redeeming things about DSC, but if they try to make it into the Trek version of the Marvel Universe or copy what Disney has done with Star Wars they're going to burn it the fuck out.

Comment Re:A Phoneless iPhone for Andre the Giant Sized Ha (Score 3) 124

Disagree. My iPad fills two niches: I read on it, a lot, both eBooks and general web browsing. I could do these things on my significantly smaller iPhone but that hurts both my eyes and wrists after a while. The other niche, streaming video, on the road and at home when away from the TV (e.g., in bed, out on the porch, etc.) Streaming video isn't as fun on an iPad as it is on a large 4K television but I can't take the 4K TV with me on a flight or intercity rail ride, and while the iPhone could do this, the iPad is the perfect balance between screen size and portability.

Another minor niche, video calls with friends. I tend to prefer an actual laptop for this use case but if it's unavailable or I'm too lazy to go get it, the iPad is better than the phone.

I'll confess I don't understand the folks using iPads as a laptop replacement. I get illustrators who use them, I have a contingent of those at work I support, but the road warriors I see in airports using iPad Pros as a laptop replacement, uhh, why?! It's just as large as a real laptop -- hell, some of the extreme iPads are LARGER -- and a lot less flexible.

Comment Re:Did someone actually say this? (Score 1) 314

Your comment below tells me you don't understand nearly as much about this subject as you think you do. Tell me, how does shielding the radio keep an external antenna from picking up on EMI generated by your alternator? Power window motors? The drivetrain motors on an EV and regenerative braking system on EVs/Hybrids? It's shielding these disparate sources of EMI/RFI that's complicated. It's not an unsolvable problem, just one the auto industry would rather not deal with. Unless this mandate compels them to do so, you can fully expect your mandated AM radio to have incredibly lousy reception.

Comment Re:Did someone actually say this? (Score 1) 314

The alternate kit of fix-a-flat and portable air compressor that shipped with my car retails for close to the same as the spare wheel + tire + jack. If you care enough to go down the rabbit hole, this trend started in the mid 2010s, and nearly all industry watchers attribute it to the need to squeeze every last ounce of weight and fuel efficiency out of automobiles so they can meet mileage standards.

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