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Comment Re:WWJD? (Score 1) 1168

An economic group that has far less influence than the much larger minority, based on percentage, of blacks in Montgomery. ""

Are you kidding me? As soon as this bill passed all i have seen on TV/radio/internet is a furious storm of outrage over what is perceived as persecution of gays, the Governor of a state has been forced to publicly debate this bill within days of it's signing... a plethora of sanctions have been instantly levied against the state of Indiana.

How many years of protests and murder happened over civil rights of blacks in the south?

The power and force of the LGBTt community is incredibly powerful, swift, and easily harnessed to put pressure or punishment against any perceived injustice to that community.

"I would rather not repeat those times with blacks replaced with "fags."

Well i guess that's the point of insisting homosexuality is not a choice, because if it was a choice then it wouldn't quite be on the same moral high ground as skin color would it?

Comment Re:"Fruit of poisonous tree" does not apply (Score 1) 144

They might as well skip the formality and just escort DPR out of prison here and now. I'm not even a lawyer and I could get DPR freed with this. I'd just go in the courtroom and be all like:
"Your honor, I could waste every-bodies time going through every exhibit one by one and moving to suppress, but can we just get this over with so everyone goes home early? I request the juries verdict against my client be overturned in light of the government's/and their agents malfeasance and request that the case against my client be dismissed with prejudice. We can also do this the slow boring way, but the outcome of that process seems pretty obvious..."

"Yo homie, slow your roll, we alls know this guy ain't done nutin wrong but wees gotta examine evidence and suchizzle stuff to havs all the due processes down in this bitch".

Comment Re:what will be more interesting (Score 1) 662

So his mother just died and he was going through a nasty divorce. His soon-to-be-ex wife is also his manager, so both his professional and personal lives are completely miserable. He was working long hours and he had just spent two hours in a pub where he had been drinking heavily.

You know, sometimes life difficulties are the culmination of the way you treat others (say karma if you wish) and when it stacks up this heavily against someone its usually a clue that you are being a twat and need to change your behavior, OR just push through and continue with your current behavior until the roof collapses and kills you.

Seems clear which choice he is making here.

Comment Re:Free market will sort it out (Score 1) 254

heroin doesn't pose a serious risk to the user, check amsterdam's statistics on heroin use as a basically decriminalized drug.

you know what frustrating about every single drug discussion? No one seems to know anything about wtf they are discussing, only about 5% of people who take part in these discussions know A. the facts B. the lies C. what would actually make a difference, everyone else spews second hand disinformation they've heard for years living in a prohibitive society.

Comment Re:Free market will sort it out (Score 2) 254

"Or worse...underage girls and sex slaves.... I'd rather have the criminals trading drugs than people."

maybe if law enforcement wasn't spending billions combating drugs they could spend it on busting sex slave rings...

it's not one or the other..

it's also MUCH EASIER to search for sex slaves than drugs, and if the country didn't shun cops because the majority of them are using illegal drugs, they would be more willing to help stop actual serious crime like sex trafficking?

Comment Re:Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... (Score 1) 169

If they actually do produce a "Survivor: Mars", and actually do send a couple dozen reality TV contestants to the Red Planet - I'd consider it a win.

Maybe, if we're really lucky, they'll include the Kardashians.

Hell let's just put the kardashians in the desert and tape over their mouths to simulate the atmosphere of mars, bind their arms and legs to simulate the restrictions of wearing space suits, starve and dehydrate them to simulate severe rationing, then pelt them with rocks to simulate typical dust storm conditions on mars.

afterwards i guess we could do that survivor thing you were talking about as well.

Comment Re:Old news (Score 2) 169

The guy that did that already had his own money to do it with..

No, they (the gov. in this case) built it by charging 2x more than they needed when the original site was built, aka cooking the books.

  S.R. Hadden: "First rule in government spending: why build one when you can have two at twice the price? Only, this one can be kept secret. Controlled by Americans, built by the Japanese subcontractors. Who, also, happen to be, recently acquired, wholly-owned subsidiaries..."

S.R. Hadden: [Ellie Arroway:speaks with Hadden] ... of Hadden industries."

S.R. Hadden: "They still want an American to go, Doctor. Wanna take a ride? "

Comment Re: What? (Score 1) 1081

And exactly how many has that happened to? I've looked and all I can find is that about 4% of death row inmates end up with convictions overturned or the death penalty converted to life in prison, And if an innocent person still made it through to be put to death, wouldn't that make whoever lied guilty of murder to homicide to some degree?

Well this is the issue isn't it... how do you know if the person was guilty or not? the 4% you cite are the ones who actually got justice after serving long prison terms... it doesn't count the people still in prison but innocent, nor the ones executed.

If you kill someone then you deserve to get the death penalty right? well if the state (you, me, and everyone who does nothing to change the death penalty law thereby accepting them) executes an innocent man, that's murder and you deserve the death penalty.

Even at 4% it's certain we are executing innocent men... and we're all to blame.. why do we get to murder and not pay the price we demand of those we put to death?

especially because it costs less to house a man till he dies (and this allows the opportunity to eventually free him if innocent)!!!!!

Comment to hook up wireless Xbox One controllers to PCs (Score 1) 66

Why don't xboxes allow hooking up USB mice and keyboards, microsoft makes both of these and USB support seems ubiquitous, i would play/buy xbox games (read FPS) if they offered this... i can't use a controller because one of my thumbs doesn't bend at the knuckle so the dual analog controls are painful to use...

Comment is it 4/1 already (Score 5, Funny) 631

this seems to good to be true... it's what the populace wants, what the corporations didn't, and it makes sense.

I can't correlate this with being a current government agency that interfaces between the public and commerce...

after so many time being disappointed by the choices our government makes i guess im in battered wife syndrome type shock.

Comment Re:Yes. It will. (Score 1) 146

Yeah, it's not like EA where you get sold the same game every year with an ever changing number that, oddly enough, corresponds to the years that passed since the last time some bitch managed to bullshit her gullible husband into believing she got pregnant without screwing around.

I'm sensing some misdirected rage here?

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