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Comment MOD Parent Up (Score 1) 837

I would have to agree with bensode (above). I have been working IT for 20 years now and have ruined many nice silk ties on rough server cases. Switched to "cheap ties" but they still add up. We also have to remove the tie to lift servers onto the server jack and put it back on before continuing with racking - part of the safety protocol. Absolutely ridiculous but required (the ties - I am OK with safety). Always imagine how it could get worse before lamenting what you have - business casual is nice...

CIA Manual Thought Lost In 1973 Available On Amazon Screenshot-sm 190

An anonymous reader writes "At the height of the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency paid renowned magician John Mulholland $3,000 to write a manual on misdirection, concealment, and stagecraft. All known copies of the document were believed to be destroyed in 1973. Turns out one survived — and is now available on Amazon."

Comment Re:Hit'em in their wallets (Score 1) 462

When you say "Hit 'em in their wallets" You are really saying "Hit ME in MY wallet". The power industry is regulated. Profit is also regulated. Power companies make about 12% above what it costs to produce and distribute power in most markets (depends on the Public Service Commission in your area as to the actual percentage). The NERC (North American Electric Reliability Company) Critical Infrastructure Protection standards were adopted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to partially deal with the problem. Some companies have taken the INTENT of the standards to heart and have implemented them with true security in mind. Others have done everything they can to circumvent the standards. NERC is starting their initial audits right now to see how well individual companies have done. Stay tuned to to see how your power company fared in the audit...

Secretarial Mistake Costs Pepsi $1.26 Billion Screenshot-sm 11

9gezegen writes "Pepsi learned that if it wants to continue to 'Refresh Everything,' it needs an extra $1.26 billion. It looks like one of the secretaries forget to inform company lawyers about a trade secrets case in a Wisconsin state court. When nobody arrived to court, the judge gave $1.26 billion default judgement. According to Pepsi lawyers, they were not properly served because the secretary was 'so busy preparing for a board meeting.' One might imagine she was working on the refreshments. Perhaps Pepsi should learn more about the Spamhaus case."

Comment Re:Been using it... (Score 5, Funny) 164

One of my voice mail transcripts:
"Hey it's Blake, Hey just called. He will not be in tomorrow. He is sick and he said he tried to get a hold of Robin Hood, so I'll be in all of you so bye. "
Should read
"Hey it's Jake, Sandy just called. She will not be in tomorrow. She is sick and she said she tried to get a hold of John. Please give me a call when you get this. Bye."
Actually, now that I think about it - Robin Hood could have helped us...

Comment Been using it... (Score 0, Offtopic) 164

and I am not thrilled with it. I picked a number that is frequently misdialed (admittedly - my mistake) and they want $10 to change numbers. I am using the do not disturb feature to send most calls to VM. The translation software is about 80% correct on guessing what my messages actually say. The other 20% are often more fun to read due to the humor of the translation. They have a way to go before this will be a reliable "ready for prime time" service.

Comment Sounds like Wall Street... (Score 1) 250

Sounds like wall street could use a few hundred cases of Windex. Straighten out them bankers once and fer all... On second thought, Washington DC, all state capitals and local governments need a few cases as well. This is what happens when Aunt Bea isn't around to clean the courthouse / jail daily.

Companies To Invade Your Retinas As Soon As Next Year? 245

Engadget is one of many reporting that Brother and NEC both seem to have retina display technology in the works for release next year. Brother, at least, seems to have a fully functional prototype, while so far NEC is mostly talk. "Naturally, there are a few considerable limitations compared to more traditional displays, but the company's as yet unnamed goggles do promise to beam an 800 x 600 image directly into your retina that'll appear as a 10-centimeter wide image floating about one meter in front of them -- which is certainly no small feat, even if it may not be the most practical one. Slightly less specific, but also working on a retina display of its own is NEC, which apparently hopes to incorporate a microphone into their display and use it as a real-time translation device that would quite literally display subtitles as you talk to someone."

Yahoo Offered Lap Dances At Hack Event 572

Fotograf writes "Yahoo's latest embarrassment seems like a sign that the company is just trying too hard to be cool. The latest debacle is earning the company some additional publicity. After Yahoo hosted Taiwan Open Hack Day, a special event for engineers and developers that was held last weekend, a series of photos found their way onto the internet — as ill-thought out decisions often do. Yahoo offered lap dances to the attendees of the hack event. Since the pictures have come out the company has decided to apologize."

Comment Re:Perfect... (Score 1) 691

Good point, but let's take this to the logical extreme. Imagine what this could mean for /. I make a post, get modded down by so many people that nature decides it is an abomination and sends a few electrons back in time to prevent the post from posting in the first place. ./ content should theoretically get better over time but only if the Trolls troll their hardest.

I guess I am ready to do my part...

4-Winged Proto-Bird Unearthed In China; Predates Archaeopteryx 140

Wired reports on a find described September 24 in a note at Nature and the day after at the annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology: a dinosaur fossil bearing true feathers on four limbs. The fossil was discovered in northeastern China, in strata believed to have been deposited between 151 million and 161 million years ago. If that estimate is correct, the newly discovered Anchiornis huxleyi is at least one million years older than the believed age of the more famous winged dinosaur Archaeopteryx.

Comment Umm... (Score 5, Insightful) 94

There is sort of a "duh" quality to the research here. Your brain is a "use it or lose it" type of organ. The more you use your brain and the more you use it in different ways, the better it gets at operating optimally. Games and education can be a good fit if the designers of educational games can manage to make something fun - not just a computerized version of a classroom. Use the media in a way in which it is already successful.

Maybe combine Grand Theft Auto and education by making the player add up fines or the value of the drugs he just stole...

Comment Re:Diet sodas (Score 1) 776

Diet sodas make your body expect energy. That energy does not arrive.

Hmm. Diet sodas make your body expect energy? Odd. I am a diabetic and have been for the past 35 of my 39 years of existence. I have always consumed diet cola - even when crappy "Tab" was the only choice other than crappy "Diet RIte". My body does not expect anything from a diet cola other than a need to urinate (solely to balance my body's need for water - the base of all cola - and the effect of receiving it). I drink caffeinated and decaffeinated colas. I am neither over weight nor underweight and @ 5'11" my BMI is 24 - "normal" (although my wife says that I could actually stand to gain a few pounds). Statistically, you can correlate anything you want to if you manipulate the scale.

I smell manipulation...

Comment Re:Flying Car (Score 2, Insightful) 712

Actually it is closely linked to the economy in a slightly different way as other posts below this one point out... From an Economics perspective, it is a lot easier to make progress in leaps and bounds when your economy finally gets organized and you head from being a "third world" country to "second world" or "first world". When modern computing started "from nothing", leaps and bounds were easy because the amount of effort required was exponentially smaller than leaps and bounds by todays standards. It required exponentially less extreme innovation to make significant results.

This is a good time to open the floor for Moore's Law debate and whether we will continue to be able to continue our past progression into the future on the processor end of technology...

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