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Comment not how geeks and nerds work (Score 2) 239

> it spreads quickly to not only the front-end dev community
That is not exactly how Geeks and Nerds work on Open Software tools.
Even if the US Govt stops using Firefox, several countries still use it, and >7% of desktop users still do. These people will need to have their Frontend frameworks / libraries work with the mozilla browser. And even if that number goes to 1%, you will still have geeks and nerds working on supporting the browser just because they feel like it.

Comment hope it reduces garbage in the NL (Score 1) 42

I move to the Netherlands a couple of years ago.

A thing that often surprises me is the amount of used furniture that people abandon on the streets to rot, and later be picked up on garbage day. It's one of the most wasteful things i ever seen. I have found even a mini-fridge and a 4-seater sofa on the streets once.

I already managed to home two garden chairs out of it, and some other small pieces of furniture.

Comment let phones be phones (Score 1) 33

there are plenty of reasons to love the current iphone se
- small size
- small weight
- seamless camera
- still have an audio jack
- the materials used to make it
- no useless gizmos i dont care about, like faceid

if i want a better camera, i can use my canon camera
if i want i bigger handheld device, i can just use my ipad

let phones just be phones

Comment Re:If agile doesnt work for you, switch (Score 1) 235

The ability to point to any success story in the world and assert 'Agile' as the cause (even if the developers didn't claim they were doing Agile) combined with any bad examples as 'well they just didn't embrace Agile the right way'.

Aye aye. You will see rotten apples in this industry, as much as you'd see in any other. And there is no easy way to tell them from the fresh apples in the bucket.

Comment If agile doesnt work for you, switch (Score 1) 235

I have worked with agile for the last ~15 years or so, in small and big companies, starting from scratch or in places where agile already was implemented.

First thing first, Agile is not a silver bullet. Its not going to work for every company, because every company has a different culture/mindset about it should work the best. Unless you manage to revolutionize the culture, you are not going to be able to apply agile in it if there are people against it.

Second, the definition of 'agile' will differ from company to company. For one company agile is having sprint plannings, daily standups, refinement meetings with planning poker, retrosepctives, the whole shebang. For others, 'agile' is having a kanban board with some stickies and doing a daily meeting on front of it to see what progress has been made. Each company can, and SHOULD, implement 'agile' in a way that suits their culture, their pace of development.

Comment Re:It's more a non-issue than that (Score 1) 62

This is not about you or me, we understand the importance of having a camera cover. But there are several John Does out there that don't know about this.
Also, before the fix, if you went to the proof of concept it would open the meeting room in the browser without prompting the user if he accepts to join it. The chatroom could be hidden away in the webpage, thus the user would have no idea he was being watched.

Comment its useful (Score 1) 201

i think linkedin is a very useful tool. I managed to find a lot of job offers there - and actually get hired via it several times -, and there are even some interesting stories here and there from groups that i follow.
Much like any other social network, linedin is only as useful as you make it be.

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