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Comment Re:Safety Deposit Box (Score 2) 208

This is by far the best approach out of all of the recommendations. Obviously, sending paper documents (or USB drives) via overnight delivery is relatively immune to intercept, but what if you relatives leave the documents out in an unsafe area? The best place is a safe deposit box, along with any portable valuables (nice watch, jewelry, etc). You can arrange in your will to have your estate trustee then disseminate the contents.

Comment Re:How fast is the data transmitted? (Score 3, Insightful) 202

The problem with the articles is that they use a misleading term "information". The quantum information is transmitted instantaneously. However, quantum information is not the same as classical information. Classical observers at either end of the experiment cannot set the quantum information that is transmitted. Therefore the no-communication theorem is not violated. Superluminal communication of classical information (what you and I think of as data) is not possible. The best way to think of this (as another slashdot user pointed out) is that you have a random number generator at two points separated by a distance. Both points generate the same random number regardless of how far away from each other they happen to be in space.

The practical application of this is not transmitting classical data faster than the speed of light (as that is not possible.) However, it could be used for an encryption mechanism that is unbreakable. This is done by taking the random numbers generated and using them to encrypt classical data, which is then transmitted by conventional means (radio etc) and then decrypting on the other end with the same set of random numbers. Nobody can decrypt the data unless they have the other entangled particle of which there can only be one.

Submission + - Warm up the Nobel Prize: Data Teleportation (

selectspec writes: Researches in the Netherlands are claiming to have achieved quantum teleportation of data over a distance of 3 meters without any data loss. They plan on upgrading the experiment to distance of a kilometer. This would prove the famous "spooky action at a distance" theory of quantum mechanics. In laymen terms, this is moving information over distances faster than the speed of light, or rather instantly. Practical applications include phone calls across the global without delays, the end of bandwidth-delay-product issues in networking, and controlling rovers on Mars in real time, not to mention that Mr. Snowden and his former friends can't snoop in on this conversation.

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