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Comment Re:iOS users feel it (Score 1) 311

Well, you could build an app with the same interface, features, etc. Sure it's more work, but that's where the money is. At some point presumably you have to put food on your table and a roof over your head, and ideology doesn't pay the bills. I don't like the idea of selling out any more than you probably do as a matter of principle, but my wife and kids need feeding and clothing.

Comment Re:Can someone translate "1.4x faster?" (Score 1) 415

Jeez how to overcomplicate and overthink a simple thing. However they worded it, it's no way 2.4x faster than Yosemite - that's not possible on the same hardware. It's 40% faster than, or 1.4x faster.

And what exactly is faster? They don't say, but perhaps that's a mix of typical operations (launching, drawing speed, searching and sorting, etc), or perhaps they're just cherry picking a few routines that they've managed to optimise that are low level but will benefit most apps equally (but which won't translate into a 40% speed up to the user in most cases).

Comment Re:Heptatonic (Score 1) 111

That's because music doesn't usually use a 12 tone scale, it uses a heptatonic or pentatonic scale, and Western musical notation is pretty good at representing that.

A single piece may not, but taken as a whole body of work, dodecatonic scales are the norm in most music today. So rather than have to say "this 5-stave notation represents the key of E-flat in this particular case", a 6-stave representation would be key-agnostic. Not all note positions would be needed in a given piece, but all instruments could play the same piece in the same key from the same notation. The notation would be clearer due to the lower degree of visual "compression" and the lack of need to notate exceptions to sharps, flats and naturals indicated by the key. Makes total sense. But it will never happen, because reactionaries would object, as you did.

Comment Re:Heptatonic (Score 1) 111

You're right - music as a logical system is pretty much a mess. But that reflects both its long history and lack of understanding that went along with it for a very long time. A great series to watch if you're interested in that is Howard Goodall's "Big Bangs" which is very interesting and approachable even for non-musicians.

The idea of musical notes being a straightforward geometric series took an awful long time to be realised, because of the idea (set in train by Pythagoras) that musical intervals HAD TO BE simple integer ratios. Just like Pythag's blind-spot about irrational numbers such as root 2, he assumed that nature abhorred nasty fractions. That thinking influenced music for millennia, and people still think that equal temperament is a "compromise" because it's slightly off from whole number ratios - but who says it has to be? That's just trying to force it to fit an idealised model of nature that is an entirely human idea.

Musical notation is also barking mad in the light of a 12-tone scale. It would make much more sense if a stave had six lines, so every note in the scale had its own fixed place, instead of wandering all over the place because 12 doesn't divide into 5. It would do away with clefs, the need to notate keys by use of special sharps and flats, and generally make it much easier to learn and use. However, it'll never happen because those who read the existing notation think it's fine, and a change would be too disruptive.

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