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Comment Re:RTFA (Score 4, Insightful) 282

He was not asking that everyone provide a live feed from their house.

No, we'll just install those cameras (that today are IP-based) and tie them in to the in-home recording device over our router -- which is connected to the Internet.
But that's okay. There's no way to get into the router from outside -- certainly not through a government-mandated backdoor.

Comment Re:Funny thing... (Score 1) 229

Had one of these (and only one)... told them I only had Mac's at home, and the guy got belligerent and said I was lying, then finally after telling him that over and over for a good minute he basically said FU and hung up

My mom got called once while I was home and didn't give up even when she told him she was using Linux Mint -- I got on the phone and asked the "Microsoft employee" to confirm our Windows Product Key code -- he should be able to see that if he is monitoring my computer after all, I said.

After a repeated requests for this the scammer actually tried to give a fake one -- that didn't follow the correct format (number of characters or pattern of letters/numbers).
I pointed this out laughed in his face before hanging up.

Comment Re:Mailing list sounds like a bunch of Whiners.... (Score 1) 338

If they know so much about me, then why do I keep seeing ads that I have absolutely no interest in? I don't even own a fucking tv (never owned, never watched cable) and 3/4 of all my ads are of some new hbo programming of some stupid sounding shows.

If you don't own a TV then you're now a potential customer for one. Duh.
All they have to do is convince you it's something you need to have -- like with ads for hot new shows you're missing because you don't have one.

Comment Re:Not at all surprising (Score 0) 187

This will probably come across as a kneejerk response, but the submission makes it sound like Liu's themes are almost entirely derived from PRC propaganda.

I read that bit about the plot for "The Wages of Humanity" and almost laughed out loud. Straight out of Mao's little red pulp mag. What would aliens care about the form of government used on another planet?

Comment Re:I Don't Know (Score 1) 284

I don't know what an "appropriate" punishment is for illegally downloading or distributing someone's content, but ten years sounds incredibly excessive...

That's probably what they're really trying to find out. Not if the populace thinks the punishment is appropriate, but if concept is frightening enough people will obey regardless of how they feel about copyright infringement.

Comment Re:Same reasons as autonomous cars (Score 0) 161

Sorting garments based on colors shouldn't be beyond robots. I would say some pre-sorting might be needed (like don't stick your delicates in the same laundry hamper as normal-cycle clothes.

Steps 1-3 are only necessary for robots owned by slobs. Why is the robot having to find the clothes and distinguish them from other clutter? Put your laundry in the hamper when you take it off!

Step 4: If you're causing the robots sensors to be blocked when it's trying to do it's appointed tasks that sounds like a design problem -- that's the maker's fault, not the robot's.

Step 5: See Step 4.

Most of the rest of them are fairly valid.

Step 8: See Step 5.

Step 13 is a real catch, folding clothing can vary greatly based on garment type.

Step 14: Unnecessary. Takes less than a minute. Lazy human is lazy.

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