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Comment Why not board games? (Score 2, Insightful) 123

If the point is social opportunity, then these provide a good social opportunity that does not require sitting in front of a screen. It arguably also requires a bit more thinking than the average video game. I'm of course, talking about games like Puerto Rico, Small World, Tigris & Euphrates, or Battlestar Galactica. Not games like Monopoly.

Comment Re:If I could do it, I would! (Score 1) 658

And people will just buy their goods and services from businesses in countries or states with lower consumption taxes instead.

Not to mention this will cause a shitload of damage on the poor who have to spend every cent they get (causing massive difficulties while getting very little actual tax revenue out of them) while the rich can just hoard their excess money as they see fit.

Comment Number one cause of accidents? (Score 5, Interesting) 349

I don't know what the current numbers are, but as of a couple of years ago the story was that the leading cause of distracted driver accidents was messing with the climate control and radio. So, yeah, let's go for saving lives and make it so you can't change the radio station, volume, or adjust the temperature. There will probably have to be congressional hearings on whether defogging of the windows is worth the risk involved in enabling it. I guess for safety's sake we should just make defogging be on all the time, just in case.

I personally think that the real problem is people not giving the driving the attention it requires. Whether it's your child (my wife was once rear-ended by a woman in a SUV because she was watching her child in the back seat -- did I mention we drive an impossible-to-miss yellow car), having a beverage, or adjusting the climate control... You need to pay attention to the weapon you are steering.


Comment Re:To that I'll add (Score 2, Insightful) 441

I never did get my masters, my graduate grades where poor (did half of a masters and got excellent grades there though). I have never had problems landing jobs, 28 years old and earning over $100k.

Having a diploma shows you know how to read, it shows you know how to learn - these are important aspects of a company. Having experience working is also great, but fact is, every time you switch job you are in for a period of relearning - everything they do will be different from whatever you have done earlier.

First problem anyone needs to get past is being sorted out before interviews, writing resumes is a science, but it isn't that hard, there are excellent resources on how to do this, but in my experience, have a generic CV you attach to a personalized e-mail. In the e-mail write why you think you are good for them, but also very important, why you should work for them in terms of what you expect. Keep the CV short and to the point, I've been through hiring people and christ some people attach a lot of meaningless shit.

When you have landed the interview, be prepared! There are a lot of standard questions you will be asked:
those 25 suggestions have served me well through my short career. Never lie during the interview, if you have shortcommings, mention them, tell them how you are aware of them and work on them. Show them you are aware of how business works.

Oh, and make sure you look clean. I know a lot of nerds thinks suits are evil, you don't necessarily have to wear a suit, check up on the dresscode at the company - but looking clean is important, if in doubt a nice shirt worn casually with jeans should be nice and neutral.

Also, Office Space while being exaggerated, does have a few points. Hiding in a cubicle will get you fired, showing you have balls and a meaning will often get you promoted - provided you use them at the right time.


Bark Beetles Hate Rush Limbaugh and Heavy Metal 220

Aryabhata writes "According to scientists, climate change and human activity have allowed bark beetle populations to soar. They decided to fight the beetles by using the 'nastiest, most offensive sounds' that they could think of. These sounds included recordings of Guns & Roses, Queen, Rush Limbaugh and manipulated versions of the insects' own sounds. The research project titled 'Beetle Mania' has concluded that acoustic stress can disrupt their feeding and even cause the beetles to kill each other."

US Grants Home Schooling German Family Political Asylum 1324

A US judge has granted political asylum to a family who said they fled Germany to avoid persecution for home schooling their children. Uwe Romeike and his wife, Hannelore, moved to Tennessee after German authorities fined them for keeping their children out of school and sent police to escort them to classes. Mike Connelly, attorney for the Home School Legal Defence Association, argued the case. He says, "Home schoolers in Germany are a particular social group, which is one of the protected grounds under the asylum law. This judge looked at the evidence, he heard their testimony, and he felt that the way Germany is treating home schoolers is wrong. The rights being violated here are basic human rights."

Comment And nothing new was said (Score 1) 130

They keep saying they'll still support L4D1, but all we see is stuff that was already going to be released. Everything else after that is "the users will do the work and we will claim credit for the additional content". Sorry no, the modding community has already stopped work on L4D1 content to focus making maps that will make use of the new features of L4D2 (and so far it looks like the compatibility is 1-way, otherwise we can easily just copy the new campaigns from L4D2 into L4D1). They have said exactly nothing about support AFTER L4D2 is released. They're still being intentionally misleading about "continued support", just like they were with that quote up there about new stuff for L4D when they really meant L4D2.

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