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Submission + - BSA Withdraws Support for SOPA (pcworld.com)

quantumplacet writes: The Business Software Alliance has withdrawn their support for the increasingly controversial Stop Online Piracy Act claiming that "Valid and important questions have been raised about the bill.". While the BSA has a long history of focusing on the worst offenders and mostly ignoring casual piracy, this still represents a dramatic turnaround as the organization has been a SOPA supporter since the act's inception. BSA President Robert Hollyman posted on the company blog that "Due process, free speech, and privacy are rights that cannot be compromised. ....Some observers have raised reasonable questions about whether certain SOPA provisions might have unintended consequences in these areas".

Submission + - Contact lenses could stream data across wearer's f (tgdaily.com)

zorazora writes: “Researchers have taken a major step towards the Terminator-style streaming of real-time information across a person’s field of vision.”
According to the researchers who are working on this project, the lenses can overlay computer generated vision information into the wearer’s vision field. As a result, the lenses can potentially replace the computer screen. We can read emails, watch movies on the vision field delivered by these lenses.
“Right now, the lens contains only a single pixel – but the team says it’s a proof-of-concept for the creation of lenses with multiple pixels.”

Submission + - Competition for algorithm developers (plista.com)

An anonymous reader writes: The mobile & online ad network plista is running a competition:

We’re looking for developers to participate in a contest to find the best recommender algorithm- the widgets that can be found on many news and other high-traffic sites. These widgets recommend to the visitor other items that may be of interest, and are often titled: "You might also enjoy reading..." or "Customers that looked at this item have also looked at..."

There is a weekly prize of 100€ for the best-performing algorithm, and a grand prize at the end of the competition (details of which are still tba).

You can find out more about the contest here: http://contest.plista.com/content/the_contest


Submission + - Television Advertising on The Internet - How Can B (joshuasee.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Television Advertising on The Internet — How Can Businesses React to the Shift in Consumer's Behavior? talks about why more people are using the internet nowadays and how this affects the ways businesses promote their products and services for highest ROI!

Submission + - Engineers developing 'Bionic contact lens' (bbc.co.uk)

ProbablyJoe writes: The BBC reports that researchers at Washington University have made a breakthrough in developing a contact lens that will be able to overlay text and images on top human vision.

The research is still in early stages, so far just being able to light one LED on the lens, and requiring a battery no more than 1cm away. But researchers claim the main problem has already been overcome — getting the human eye to focus on an image generated on its surface.

While a long way from completion, the team hopes to soon increase the display to hundreds of pixels, and overlay text on the lens. The technology could eventually be used in future augmented reality applications, allowing futuristic 'Terminator' style vision.

Submission + - Anonymous hacks CATCH Team Cybercime Investigator (nyud.net)

An anonymous reader writes: On Friday, a group of hackers operating under the banner of Anonymous' Operation AntiSec published the private e-mails of a California Department of Justice investigator. The hackers posted the entirety of the 38,000 e-mails in a Gmail account that appears to belong to Alfredo "Fred" Baclagan, a California Department of Justice special agent supervisor in charge of computer crime investigations, to a hidden site on Tor, as well as to a torrent listed on The Pirate Bay.

Submission + - Android is Sole Target of Malware Writers (ibtimes.com)

redletterdave writes: "Android was the most popular platform for new malware in the second quarter, but in the third quarter, a McAfee study revealed "Android became the exclusive platform for all new mobile malware."McAfee also discovered that cybercriminals have devised a new way to steal information exclusively from Android devices, by recording user phone calls. The stealthy malware clings to the devices for extended periods, remaining undetected as it repeatedly records user conversations and forwards them to the attacker. This malware can remain on the phone until the attacker decides they have all of the information they want. With 550,000 Android devices activated each day, Google's mobile operating system "is clearly today's target" for cybercriminals."

Submission + - Third of UK Councils Lose Data in 3 Years (itpro.co.uk)

twoheadedboy writes: "In just three years, a third of UK councils have lost citizens' data. The shocking findings came from the Big Brother Watch, which found 132 local authorities had lost data between 3 August 2008 and 3 August 2011. Plenty of data on children was lost too, with info relating to at least 3,100 youngsters compromised in 118 cases. At least 244 laptops, 98 memory sticks and 93 mobile devices were lost over that time too."

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