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Comment Re:now no one else can (Score 2) 286

Well, it's not mine, 'cos I'm British, but my understanding is that that's about right. The constitution was followed pretty swiftly by the bill of rights, which was some number of amendments. The first amendment is the one about freedom of speech. Whereas we Brits never even bothered to write down our constitution, and we don't have freedom of speech.

"Do Not Eat iPod Shuffle": 30 Dumb Warning Labels Screenshot-sm 143

jfruhlinger writes "You'd think that people would know electronic equipment isn't for eating, but apparently you'd be wrong. Find out what dumb things companies felt compelled to warn their customers not to do in this list compiled by JR Raphael. Some of the best include: Don't throw your mouse at a co-worker, do not attempt to stop with hands or genitals, and do not put lit candles on phone."

Comment Re:GugaGaga (Score 1) 180

Indeed, and if you bought a CD recently, you get a dollar off the download, so I got the download, and 20GB of storage for a year, for nothing. Order #: D01-7112762-2631304 Subtotal of items: $0.99 Discounts/Promotions: - $0.99 ------ Total before tax: $0.00 Tax Collected: $0.00 ------ Total for this Order: $0.00

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