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Comment I'll wave to your data as I pass by (Score 1) 122

I work in Sunnyvale where LinkedIn is putting up 3 very large, multi-story buildings for their new galactic headquarters. As I pass by them, I've wondered how they would possibly fill those buildings. Now I know. They're actually putting up their version of a data storage center, similar to the one NSA has built in Utah. They need room for the disk farms that store all these emails they've captured from their users.

Comment What happened to monitors on shopping carts? (Score 1) 274

I seem to remember that was coming to a store near you several years ago. Sensors embedded in the aisles would trigger ads to be played on the monitor as the cart came into range. At the time, I remember thinking what a shame it would be if the monitor got cracked as I throwing a can of beans into the cart. In any case, I've never seen these actually in use.

Comment Re:But but but...... (Score 4, Insightful) 262

You realize that the rockets and the moon landers were built with government, i.e., NASA, money, don't you? Do you think Rockwell, Boeing, North American, Grumman, or the myriad other contractors would have built the things they did without the fire hose of money coming from Kennedy's space program? There certainly were things built that had other, commercial use that might have been funded and built anyway, maybe, but most of that technology had a single purpose and probably would never have be funded internally.

Comment No, the road to success is to be a pro baller (Score 1) 716

Look at the money they paid Lebron James right out of high school. No need to go to Duke or Kentucky.

Absurd? You bet, but the the analogy is the same. Those who have the talent, motivation, and contacts to start a business without college are out there past the 6 sigma point on the curve just as athletes like James are. For the vast majority, however, going to college to learn your trade and, even more important, learn how to learn is the best path to a successful career.

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