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Comment Re: Finland's UBI experiment shows deadbeats are h (Score 1) 439

No, people are not featureless interchangeable spheres of uniform density. Taking 2000 from a dude with 1,000,000,000 and giving it to a dude with 10,000 means it will get pumped directly into the retail economy and benefit lots of people in the short term, as opposed to being pumped into the financial product casino, where it might benefit people over the long term but will more likely be chipped away into the pockets of other already rich people and serve primarily to make their net worth dick measuring contest tick over here and there, only occasionally entering the economy in a meaningful way.

Submission + - Anti-Fracking activist in Texas disassembles Gas company propaganda (

Walkingshark writes: Adam Briggle, a key leader in the Texas anti-fracking movement, has been one of the pivotal figures in the historic total fracking ban proposed in the city of Denton. With the help of the rest of the leadership of Frack-Free Denton, a medium sized city in Texas stands to be one of the key battlegrounds in efforts to rebalance the property rights of mineral owners and home owners. Now that the petition is going to the voters in the fall, the Gas industry is opening up their pockets to flood the city with propaganda designed to misinform voters so that the referendum to ban fracking will fail. Briggle, on his Denton Drilling blog, has published an incredibly well reasoned and articulate takedown of their usual propaganda, a piece of writing that could end up serving as the template for how to completely demolish the poorly worded half truths often deployed by industry. Read it here and have a chuckle, Depantsing the Perryman Report about Denton’s Fracking Ban.

Comment Re:Cue the hatred of hip hop artists (Score 1) 92

If it takes someone years to explain why I should like something, it isn't worth liking. There are more productive uses of that time that are equally enlightening and enriching and don't require me to duck my head into the cesspool of pompous ramblings that is modern music education.

Comment Re:It's already out there... (Score 1) 622

You are just trying to pick a fight so don't be surprised when you get one.

That's what the video did too and they got a fight: the embassies being attacked. To then say that it is wrong and violence isn't the answer is being naive. In the real world, people respond to vocal provocation with physical force.


So it's justified if I'm at a bar and someone talks shit to me, for me to fly to whatever shithole you live in and beat your skull in with a hammer? Sound logic.

Comment Re:and where is exactly the problem? (Score 1) 915

Unalienable rights are unalienable by religions.

The concept of unalienable rights is a product of the 18th century and inextricably linked to religious belief: rights are inalienable because they are endowed by a Creator. Since modern societies find it increasingly unlikely that there is a Creator, that religious basis is no longer tenable and most of the West (with rising nations like China) now follows some variant of utilitarianism where rights are a convenient and mutable legal fiction to ensure general quality of life.

You've completely missed the substance of Enlightenment thinking and what the concept of "Creator" meant to most of the people who put this country together. More study needed.

Comment Re:Problem here is "racism" (Score 3, Insightful) 915

"It's the same God".

Bah. Different holy books preaching different ideologies and virtues in the name of God. The Gods mentioned can hardly be called the same.

So basically, this is like All Star Superman, Red Son Superman, Old School Superman, and new 52 Superman? All the same character, just different canons? :)

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