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Comment One size does not fit all... (Score 5, Interesting) 268

Great, so someone laments the fact that some people may end up more educated than others. Wouldn't it be better if we taught everyone to their potential instead of holding back the more gifted students so everyone is equal? Lowest common denominator is "lowest" for a reason.

Submission + - Justice Department Slaps IBM Over H-1B Hiring Practices 1

Dawn Kawamoto writes: IBM reached a settlement with the Justice Department over allegations it posted discriminatory online job openings, allegedly stating a preference for H-1B and foreign student visa holders for its software and apps developer positions. The job openings were for IT positions that would eventually require the applicant to relocate overseas. IBM agreed to pay $44,400 in civil penalties to the U.S., as well take certain actions in the way it hires within the U.S. The settlement, announced Friday, comes at a time with tech companies are calling for the U.S. to allow more H-1B workers into the country.

Submission + - AMD and DICE Bring Low-Level, High-Performance Graphics API To PCs With "Mantle" (hothardware.com)

MojoKid writes: In addition to unveiling a new family of GPUs this week, AMD has also announced Mantle, a “low-level high-performance console-style” graphics API for the PC. Mantle will ostensibly allow developers to work “closer to the metal”, like they do with console GPUs. As it turns out, it's AMD GPUs that will be powering all next generation consoles, so the whole concept flows out of AMD’s experience with both consoles and PCs. AMD’s angle is that PC graphics present several challenges that hamstring both performance and programmability. For instance, you have to support a huge range of hardware, from the slowest to the fastest platforms out there, and the GPU has to be fed workload by the CPU, limiting the full power of a modern GPU in some cases. Essentially, AMD feels that devs can get more performance out of GPUs and tap into their real capabilities better with Mantle. AMD has already partnered with DICE to co-develop Mantle and EA's Frostbite 3 engine will render natively with Mantle as well as make use of standard DX11 rendering on Radeon GPUs.

Comment Re: Yeah, right! (Score 1) 404

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

What we have here is a massive data grab that can be mined many ways by who knows how many people. Bush set the infrastructure, & Obama doesn't see any reason not to use it. The head of the IRS has met with Obama more times than every other head of the IRS combined has met with a president. we already know Obama has targeted his political rivals, & the American media does a big yawn at this new scandal!!!!!!!

Comment How times change (Score 2) 471

I remember when XP came out everyone was complaining about its online activation requirement. They said they would stay with Windows 2000, which didn't have that requirement. Nowadays, barring Windows 7, it's everyone's favorite OS. Funny how things change.

Comment Please... (Score 0) 195

Investing in any company has risk. Cities should obviously weigh the pros and cons of where to invest their moneys and such but to single out an entire industry because one company failed smacks of fear-mongering. You wouldn't have seen such alarmist claptrap if a city had invested in General Motors as "it is a bad idea for the government to invest in an American Car Company".

Comment A different idea... (Score 2) 152

Direct democracy has it's drawbacks as people here have already stated (California). But what if we went back to the original representation ratio of people in congress as prescribed in the Constitution to "The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand", that would require something like 10,000 representatives. That would be enough people to keep most individuals out of the limelight, so maybe they would actually try to do work rather than pander to their constituents.

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