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Snails On Methamphetamine Screenshot-sm 93

sciencehabit writes "Science answers the question: What happens when you put a snail on speed? From the article: 'The results suggest that meth improves memory, something that has been previously observed in creatures with large, complex brains like rats and humans. But since the snails store their memories in a simple, three-neuron network, the team hopes that studying the meth effect in these gastropods will help pinpoint how the drug's memory magnification powers work.'"

Comment Re:wow (Score 0, Offtopic) 413

I wasn't looking to start an argument at all. I just wanted to throw my opinion out there to see what sticks. Nothing did, so it's time to change my homepage for the first time in a decade.

I'm not looking for a website with technology and local politics, or any politics whatosver. I really only care about the technology. I'm now looking for PHP-based RSS parser servers so that I can, as you recommend, build my own Slashdot just for me. I have no interest in anyone's navel but my own.

Just a friendly parting word for you - don't be so quick to dismiss others. In response to my original post I thought "go away" was harsh. Truthfully, responses like that are the other reason why I won't miss Slashdot. Too many people can't tell the difference between a rebuttal and an attack, which is why my opinion is moderated as troll. I won't abide censorship, unlike this hypocritical community.

Comment Re:see, you care (Score 1) 413

so stop picketing outside mcdonalds because they don't sell sweaters

(completely inaccurate allegories require only simple deflection)

I was going to rebut you but I see that my original post is now moderated as troll so obviously I'm the one in the minority. I concede that Slashdot is a website to discuss technology and American politics.

Comment Re:if you don't care about politics (Score 1) 413

I care very much about politics. I attend candidate debates in person during elections and I write letters to my MP whenever I disagree with federal policy (usually about technology because that's what matters to me). Politics are an important topic that I dedicate a good portion of my attention to.

American politics, not so. This topic doesn't belong on Slashdot. Surely there are websites about American politics better suited to such stories. Might *I* humbly suggest *you* go there? Or are you the type who pickets outside McDonalds because they don't sell sweaters?

Comment Re:the most commented stories in slashdot history (Score 1) 413

are political

the reason for this is that people are interested in politics, techie or not. and there's nothing wrong with a roomful of techies talking politics. you don't have to go there if you don't want. so leave us on slashdot who are obviously interested in politics (based on the most commented stories in slashdot history) to our politics, and go away

Wow, I was going to tell you that your comment about the most-commented stories was the best rebuttal to my claim yet, but then you told me to go away. So sorry to have impeded on your private website, Mr. Malda.

Comment Re:!newsfornerds (Score 1) 413

And if the position of the court swings to support more ridged software patents or towards supporting what is proposed in the ACTA treaty.. won't that have an extreme impact on the technological realms ?

That's the thing about "if". If it happened it would be Slashdot-worthy news and I wouldn't have whined publicly about it. If didn't happen this time which is why I'm reaching for my tissues and bon bons.

Comment Re:!newsfornerds (Score 0, Offtopic) 413

I'd place a US Supreme Court justice as one of the top 100 most powerful people in the world. They don't get to wield their power in the typical manner like a show of force, but they when they use it, it would take 3/4ths of the United States to overrule them.

Perhaps, but that's not the kind of story I come to Slashdot to read. I'm sure they don't cover this article on Epicurious or either, however crucial this individual's appointed role may be.

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