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Comment Re:long time kde fan, just switched to xfce (Score 1) 127

Hmm, my experience has been quite the opposite. I migrated from 3.x to 4 around... 4.2 or 4.3. It was way too early still. It took long for the desktop to get usable in even a very general sense. 5 though has been quite smooth. Some teething issues initially, for sure, but nowadays it's great*). Really the only two things I'm missing from 3.x anymore is the ability to configure the auto-hide delay for panels (I'd settle even for just a text file if it could be configured) and the ability to drag-and-drop a file from Ark to Konsole and have it extract to the directory the shell is in. I can live without the latter, and have learned to, but the first one has been missing since KDE 4. Still not gonna give up on auto-hiding panels though.

*) But since this is Arch we're talking about, I upgrade perhaps once a week, sometimes even less frequently. I might have missed a botched update or few. And since this is KDE we're talking about - I may very well use different parts of the DE than you do, I certainly do not use all of KDE.

Comment Re:long time kde fan, just switched to xfce (Score 2) 127

I can't speak for *buntu, but I just tried enabling session restore (I dislike it myself so I have it disabled), opened a few tabs in Konsole in different directories, logged out and back in. The Konsole tabs were opened just fine to where they were, with their command history intact. As were the rest of my programs. Not going to install gvim just to try it out, and it very well may be that it would not work; but judging by that thread (or rather, the one it has been marked a duplicate issue of), it seems many of those having problems are running *buntu.

Comment Re:long time kde fan, just switched to xfce (Score 4, Informative) 127

But now kde5 has taken away the different backgrounds on each virtual desktop feature (it's kind of supported through some other feature, but the new way is confusing and way overkill), and more importantly they took away session restore! So if you shutdown/reboot/crash, none of your existing items will come back. So my multiple gvim windows, my sometimes dozens of shell windows, all gone. And they don't plan to fix that, because they say noone wants it. Well I do.

I'll give you different backgrounds on virtual desktops (although you can emulate this with "activities" - but they're personally a feature I never use), but what on earth are you on about WRT session restore? Running KDE on Arch, so pretty much the latest version; System Settings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Desktop Session, there's the "On Login" part that offers "Restore previous session", "Restore manually saved session" or "Start with an empty session", and also a selection for "Applications to be excluded from sessions". What more do you want?

Comment Re:Won't work in America (Score 1) 630

Sweden and Finland have system that do not only favor giving monetary service, but a lot of it is in additional education, so this really might save them some cost, because the real benefits of their system lays elsewhere.

I can't speak for Sweden, but at least when it comes to Finland, the justification for this experiment is that the amount paid is what people on unemployment already eventually get. But this consists of several different benefits which add a lot of bureaucracy - not only time-consuming for the unemployed themselves (living on social security actually requires quite a bit of effort dealing with various forms and agencies), but also requires a lot of people to handle all the applications, who surely could be doing something more productive instead. Whether the experiment will work or not (and should it be extended to everyone, including those who work, how will it be paid for?) we will see, but that is the rationale for it.

(and it is Finns, fins is what you have on fish)

Comment Re:Are you a sympathizer to the terrorists? (Score 4, Insightful) 354

Over three thousand people had perished in 9/11, and someone has to pay for the crime

Given the body count in both Afghanistan and Iraq (which, as was evident even when the war began, had fuck all to do with 9/11, but hey, collateral damage), it can be argued many people already have.

Comment Re:Not surprised (Score 1) 37

I recently pickedup a steam controller, and have been impressed with it overall. Its not going to replace keyboard and mouse for shooters for me; and its not going to replace my xbox 360 for twinstick games like binding of isaac... but it definitely has a niche where it is best in class.

Out of curiosity (haven't tried it myself), what niche is that? What kind of games? By the looks of it I'd say not fighting games at least.

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