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Comment Meh (Score 2) 41

Meh, at that cost ($9/mo?) - developers using it for non-android purposes will move away to a VPS. Giving the platform really just exclusivity for Android app makers for the publicity perks. The instance and bandwidth expenses are garbage compared to AWS.

Comment Re:On no. 1 & 3: Never trust the client (Score 3, Informative) 265

I try to work my web-apps in the MVC style -- or at least the "VC" style. The browser is the view, the only thing it gets sent is data to display. It is fairly simple to through a debugger up and see exactly how the server API works, but it's also fairly simple to ensure your API is only servicing valid requests and all data is being validdated/escaped/etc.

Comment Re:Cowards (Score 1) 412

For OCD purposes the quote from the movie is "My old pappy used to say 'He who fights and runs away can live to run away another day'" . It was "Bret Maverick". And in the end they had a line talking about how he always misquotes his dad.

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