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Comment There are two reasons for this (Score 1) 39

1) The environment is worse than you thought
2) The taxpayers are getting screwed worse than you thought.

#1 would be a good thing to admit to because it means they get more funding and more power.
#2 is probably something they really don't want to admit to because it means investigations, funding cuts, and possible criminal indictments.

Comment Guess desert tortoises weren't that important (Score 1) 155

Having traveled I-10 from Palm Springs to Arizona for decades, the difference is very stark. Desert Center used to be a wide spot in the road with a few sad looking palm trees and some abandoned buildings. Now, there are solar farms literally as far as the eye can see. What happened to all those endangered species? The solar farms don't build around them. The land was scraped off down to bare mineral so nothing will grow there. Was all the talk about endangered species bullshit or does it no longer matter because the proponents of solar are on the same side of the political fence?

Comment Who gets the money? (Score 0) 64

If you want to know where corruption lies, follow the money. Specifically, if the DOJ were to win this case, who gets the money? The taxpayers sure as hell don't get the money. The so-called smaller rivals, even if they existed, wouldn't see a dime. No, folks, the money all winds up in the government slush fund to spend however they see fit and you, dear reader, will never know what the money got spent on. The money got laundered in one step by the simple fact that it went into the treasury. It's not cordoned off in a special account that can only be used for specific purposes. This is a shakedown, pure and simple.

Comment Re:How (Score 1) 320

To be sure. But these companies have been in business for a long time and they know how to predict the market at least 5 years out (because that's how long it takes for a new model to roll off the assembly line). These companies are seeing that in 5+ years, the consumer isn't going to want an EV for a big list of reasons not the least of which is that the consumer sees loss of freedom and privacy with a constantly connected vehicle and they're also seeing the beginnings of not being able to own the vehicle but yet another subscription fee and one that will vary depending on the time of day, day of week, and destination. Software can bork your car for any number of reasons.

Comment Based on a "predictive" model? (Score 1) 200

Seriously? You might as well take these "predictive" models to Vegas and have at it. All climate models are no different than economic models. If you could predict economics in the future, you could seriously make a lot of money. But maybe that's the scam. Design a predictive climate model knowing that a lot of people will buy into it and put their money into it. The designers of the models can then comfortably invest in the trend for a short time anyway until enough people figure out that they're getting screwed.

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