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Comment Re:Still a niche company (Score 2) 111

I live in a metropolitan area of a red state on the east coast, and not only have I seen Teslas in person, but I know people (friend of a friend) that have them. It helps that there's a supercharger at a nearby mall that I almost always see a Tesla parked at, but I've seen them parked around town, too.

Your anecdotal evidence is just as good as my anecdotal evidence, and neither one is indicative of the actual popularity, supply or demand of the car.

Comment Re:Sound waves as quantum particles? (Score 1) 66

Well, we already know that individual atoms have sound so they're probably talking about sound in a way that the layman wouldn't consider is sound. At this level, they're probably talking about the vibration or movement of energy within the rubidium Bose-Einstein condensate traveling at the speed of sound and generated from the Hawking Radiation at the Sound Event Horizon.

Comment Re:Not a boycott but a confirmation (Score 1) 469

I think his point is that an ASCII log is human readable with any text editor without needing an interpreter program.

Binary logs tend to be full of garbage to the average human and transferring the log file and/or running the log program aren't always feasible when you're in recovery mode.

Given that systemd is the boot up daemon for the entire system, being able to read the logs when the system won't boot properly is incredibly important.

Comment Re:Franchise laws = Racket laws (Score 3, Insightful) 157

If you only read the laws themselves, you wouldn't think that. In theory, the laws are there to give you better service through a dealership because the evil large corporation gives you poor service at a steep price. They're there to prevent a monopoly on service so that you're not required to go to a Ford Garage so that a Ford Mechanic can fix your car with Ford Parts and price gouge the hell out of you.

In practice, they still do it and with the kickbacks and other ties to the parent company, they might as well be the same thing. The dealer ends up being the middle man that takes his cut and raises the price by thousands of dollars. The laws have effectively enshrined the dealership business model and Tesla threatens that.

Comment Re:oh (Score 1) 306

Actually, he's parroting a cultural stereotype. Yes, there are great workers that don't fit the stereotype, but the stereotype is common enough for it to actually be a stereotype.

Have I known workers form India that were awesome? Hell, yes. Have I known workers from India that were patriarchal and biased toward other workers from India because they came from a lower caste than they did? Also, unfortunately, yes.

Its a bit like saying that being in the southern United States in the 50s determined that you were racist. Were there people that weren't racist? Absolutely. Was it common enough that it was a problem? Also absolutely.

Comment Re:Only works if the teacher isn't the one in thre (Score 2) 470

Well, he was partially right. Some of voodoo magic is chemical or potion based. See for example zombie powder which is actually a combination of drugs (one to induce a coma in a death-like state and another to make the person pliable and open to suggestion in a trance-like state).

Now if he was talking about voodoo dolls and curses? No, that's bunk. They only work on people that fully believe in it, giving a huge placebo effect that has been scientifically researched and documented. In fact, one scientist when confronted with someone "cursed" and suffering from a life threatening placebo effect had to "uncurse" the man, "curing" him by convincing him he wasn't cursed any more. It wasn't the curse itself that was killing him, but his belief in the curse was so strong that his brain was shutting down his own body.


Slashdot Tries Something New; Audience Responds! 2219

We've had only a few major redesigns since 1997; we think it's time for another. But we really do take to heart the comments you've made about the look and functionality of the beta site that houses Slashdot's future look. So let's all slow down. Right now, we're directing 25 percent of non-logged-in users to the beta; it's a significant number, but it's the best way for us to test drive this new design, to have you show us what pieces need to be fixed, and how. If you want to move back to Classic Slashdot, that path is available: from the Slashdot Beta page, you just need to select the "Slashdot Classic" link from the footer (or this link). We're committed to keep you informed of the plans as changes are implemented; we can't promise that every user will like every change, but we don't want anything to come as a surprise. Most importantly, we want you to know that Classic Slashdot isn't going away until we're confident that the new site is ready. And — okay, we've got it — it's not ready. We have work to do on four big areas: feature parity (especially for commenting); the overall UI, especially in terms of information density and headline scanning; plain old bugs; and, lastly, the need for a better framework for communicating about the How and the Why of this process. Some of you have suggested we're not listening; on the contrary, some of us are 'listening' pretty much full-time. We're keeping you informed of this process, because we're a community and we want to take everyone with us. But, yes, we're trying something new. Why? We want to take our current content and all the stuff that matters to this community and deliver it on a site that still speaks to the interests and habits of our current audience, but that is, at the same time, more accessible and shareable by a wider audience. We want to give our current audience the space where they are comfortable. And we want a platform where we can experiment with different views of both comments and stories. It's not an either/or. It's going to be both. If we haven't communicated that well enough, consider this post a first step to fixing that. And in the meantime, we're not sorry to have received a flood of feedback, most of it specific, constructive and substantive. Please keep it coming. We will be adding more specific info here in the days to come.

Submission + - Alternatives to Slashdot post beta? 8

An anonymous reader writes: Like many Slashdotters, I intend to stop visiting Slashdot after the beta changeover. After years of steady decline in the quality of discussions here, the beta will be the last straw. What sites alternative to Slashdot have others found? The best I have found has been, but it has been a while since I've looked for tech discussion sites.

Submission + - Slashdot BETA Discussion ( 60

mugnyte writes: With Slashdot's recent restyled "BETA" slowly rolled to most users, there's been a lot of griping about the changes. This is nothing new, as past style changes have had similar effects. However, this pass there are significant usability changes: A narrower read pane, limited moderation filtering, and several color/size/font adjustments. BETA implies not yet complete, so taking that cue — please list your specific, detailed opinoins, one per comment, and let's use the best part of slashdot (the moderation system) to raise the attention to these. Change can be jarring, but let's focus on the true usability differences with the new style.

Comment Re:Box with blinking lights... (Score 2) 102

Funny you should mention this. I used to work for a company that actually made one of these boxes (blinking lights and all) out of painted plywood and put important sounding labels on it like "Main AC", "Generator", "Battery Backup", "Firewall", and "Rack A/B/C" with a simplistic diagram of how the power management system actually worked. They installed it into the server room and hooked a bunch of thick cables to it but didn't actually do anything (the lights were powered by AA batteries).

Occasionally marketing would bring customers (read: CEO/CFO, etc) into the server room to show them the blinking lights to prove that the system was "top notch" and monitored 24/7.

It was later replaced by a wall of monitors showing Nagios graphs that didn't actually measure anything important.

Comment Re:9.1 (Score 1) 1009

Which was completely true. I was also running Win2k as well, but something to keep in mind was that DirectX / Direct3D wasn't ported to WindowsNT and there were a lot of drivers for video cards and sound cards that wouldn't work with the NT kernel. Win2k was the first NT kernel OS (quickly followed by XP) that had 3D driver support and that was pretty sketchy until XP came out as the new consumer flagship OS and drivers would actually start to work. Win2k was an awesome OS, but it was meant for businesses and corporations, not home users. Home users were intended to use Windows 98 SE (released the year before Win2k) and Windows ME (which was released after Win2k).

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