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Comment Re:The time-honored tradition of... (Score 1) 109

To 'exploit' is not always a bad thing.

Definition of exploit: To make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
The definition has been perverted to include a negative connotation (e.g. "Exploiting the vulnerable").

There's nothing wrong with leveraging the particular qualities of an person autism spectrum behaviours. Compensate the person fairly, be mindful (and respectful) of their peculiarities, and everyone wins. The point is to treat people with respect, regardless of differentiation.

"Vulnerable" is just your added interpretation in-order to make some "corporations are bad, m'kay?" sweeping generalization. Frankly, I'm just calling bullshit on it.

Comment Re:FP? (Score 3, Insightful) 942

Canada adopted the metric system at THE SAME TIME as the US adopted it. Difference is that the Canadian government didn't cow-tow to the people whining and bitching about how difficult it was. The US people said "nu-uh" we're not going to do that. The individual states resisted. Metric was done in the US.

I was in grade school when metric was brought in (yep, that old), so I was at a disadvantage, adoption-wise. The generations before us continued to use Imperial measurements. The generation behind us would be much more comfortable using Metric. We got stuck with both.

My skis are 165Cm. I travel about 100km/h on the highway. I'm 5'10". For temperature, I do "cooler" as 20 Celsius and below, warmer as 70 Fahrenheit and above. We just adapt.

Comment Don't Do it! - no growth, career limiting move. (Score 3, Insightful) 270

Yes, sounds great. Make 10K more out of the gate. And if you're finding it tough to land a job right now, what a DEAL this is! You're employed! You're really needed since the number of COBOL programmers to support legacy systems are dying off (figuratively and literally).

There's the catch. They've got you. You don't know it, but they know it.

Next year, your fellow grads who got jobs are learning TONS of new things, other skills. Team building, real life design. Team leadership. They're getting mentored perhaps. They'll make their way up to intermediate, then senior developers. Maybe into architecture.

But you're still slogging through COBOL code. Supporting legacy systems.

And they can't afford to lose you, so your company (A Bank most likely - not the fastest moving group in the world (and I know since I've worked for three)). So you're still COBOL programming. But, y'know, thanks for the effort. Here's a 2K bonus.

Uour friends are now 2 years along in their careers, they're moving to new jobs, making 10-20K more since they can show job experience, skills experience, and real-life development qualities.

You're even or a bit behind, pay-wise. But they're going places. You're about to stand still, career-wise.

In a year they shoot past you, and that's that. You're standing still. Cost-of-living increases if you're lucky. But hey! We at the bank really appreciate it. So here's a nice mouse pad, and the latest patch release for COBOL on the Z-Frame.

So, no movement here. What to do? I know!! Other companies need COBOL programmers. I'll play the field and see who will throw me more money.

Great. You make a bit more money. Doing EXACTLY the same thing, somewhere else, with little if any career growth. It's possible you will always have a job, since COBOL is entrenched, and not going anywhere. But that's all you'll ever do. That and cut 1650 reels with your teeth.

Don't Do it. It's a trap.

Comment Re:$200MM (Score 1) 107

BEfore 1976, M in docuents and reports was used to represent thousands (1,000s). With Metric (SI) adoption, that was replaced with K for the most part. and M was for million (1M equiv. 1 Million), as we're used to today.

But "back in the day", you'd see "MM" used to refer to Millions. It still shows up in company stock reports from time to time

Comment Re:meh (Score 1) 164

Well, then. As a testament to the superlative American education system, the US should finish what they started in 1976 and join EVERYBODY ELSE in the world by FINALLY converting to metric!

Comment Re:And who the fuck will maintain it? (Score 1) 228

I covered that with these

How will common / uncommon errors / exceptions be handled?
How will the script handle unknown or unexpected errors (ie. is it written to be resiliant)?
How will the script be monitoried (e.g. snmp stuff) to ensure it hasn't choked?

If an automation is well-designed, these will be a part of it.

Comment Re:And who the fuck will maintain it? (Score 1) 228

A friend of mine used to say "Accessibility is the Yellow Brick Road to Mediocrity". The proliferation of Scripting languages that anyone can use means that anyone DOES use it.

People with a Team-oriented software-development background, that take pride in their work, SHOULD turn out better, more comprehensible and supportable code, regardless of script language or compiled.

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